Chapter ~ 24

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Jason P.O.V

I can't help but think that Justin is too okay with this. Maybe he'd do crazy things if his child was in my child's condition, but being okay with murder? Its just something that doesn't add up no matter how many calculators I get. Its too much at once for my brain to capture and register.

Yes, I like Justin, a lot actually, but I can't help it. I can't help the thoughts of Justin turning me in when all of this is over. If he turns me in, my child will be parent less and most likely will end up in a shelter home. I can't have that happening. God gave me a second chance to really enjoy my champion and I will. I will be grateful for a lifetime.

"Justin?" I called out as I looked at the road ahead. I felt his eyes on me and heard him hum in response "Are you going to turn me in?" I asked.

"What?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Justin, I know I want to make myself feel good about what happened. Less guilty maybe. I know that most parents would do a million and one things for their kids, but killing? Trying to kill their own kids? That's just insane, and I just think -sorry for my way too imaginative mind- that you're planning something" I expressed.

"Okay, yeah. Me agreeing to all this madness can leave more than one question and if my mom finds out, I'll be fried. I most likely am since I have two days not going home but the pont here is... I know I'm just a kid, a student and whatnot, that I'm naive and whatever people wanna call someone my age but... I was foolish enough to catch feelings for my teacher -which now I'm not even sure is a teacher- and even more foolish for actually getting into a relationship with him.

Yeah, what you're... We're doing is completely wrong and we could both go to jail. You for attempted murder and actual murder and me for being an accomplice, but if there's one thing I know, is the definition of love. My mom is a woman that I highly believe was the one to create the word love. She loves unconditionally, even when the person is in the wrong, she loves them. I think its where I got it from. I can't say I love you, because its probably too soon for me to go anywhere near there but I can confidently say that I have strong feelings for you and that is driving me to support you in this.

Its crazy, hell knows it is but, I can't help it because love is much like a marriage vow. Is staying in health and sickness. Wealth and poorness. Guilt or innocence, whatever it is, if there's love, there's supposed to be something holding you still. Making you stay and support the other person. Love is not only luxury and gifts or laughter and smiles or even attention. Its tears and pain. Its heartbreaks and dullness. Storm and thunders, its sacrifices. not only sunrise and sunsets. If you want love to succeed, sacrifices needs to be made.

Jason, if all I need to do for love between us to flourish is support you in this, I'm not going to turn around and let you deal with it alone. Yeah, you lied to me and that hurt me, but I'm still here. Yeah, you wanted to take my life away but behind that action was an even more powerful reason, so I stayed. You were married while trying to pursue a relationship with me, God knows if real or not at this point, but I looked past that and here I am.

Maybe I got it completely twisted, maybe I'm in the complete wrong but its what I feel right. I'll give it all I got and if it ends up happening, it ends up happening. I will not turn you in, I got you... If you got me" By now I had to pull over and intensively listen to what Justin was saying. I was speechless.

How can someone his age be so aware of the definition of such a big word? Has four letter but it sure is powerful as hell. I stared at him even long after he was finished talking. He was looking at me as the lights of the dark streets hit down on him making him practically glow.

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