Chapter ~ 17

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Jason P.O.V

"Muah!" I rolled my eyes at Justin's obnoxiously loud kisses but smiled nonetheless "Muah, Muah, Muah" I chuckled and pushed him away from me.

"Stop it, you dog" I whined. He looked at me for a second before pulling his tongue out and licking my cheek. He breathed heavily like a dog making me groan as I wiped his saliva off "You're a retard" I said glaring at him.

"Look who's talking" He retorted.

"I got a degree if retard is what you are trying to call me" I said and I'm not going to lie and say I didn't feel offended.

"In what? Dating your students?" He sassed. I pinched his side making him yelp before he hit my arm harshly.

"No, dating idiots such as yourself" He gasped again dramatically before sinking his teeth into my stomach and biting me. For fuck's sake, am I really interested in a cannibal?

"We are not dating, stupid" I threw my head back against the pillow and groaned before looking down at him.

"Justin, do you want to be my beloved boyfriend?" I asked.

"No!" He whined.

"Then stop throwing the fact that we are not dating in my face" I groaned. He smiled innocently and started running his fingertips down my chest.

"I want you to make it romantic" He said "Like, for once, imagine I'm one school girl and want to make all the other girls jealous because of how you asked me out. Make it memorable for me, white chocolate" I looked at him in horror just at the same time as an idea on how to ask him out popped up in my head.

"White chocolate? Can you not, Justin?" I said irritated with his childish ass.

"Just for telling me can I not, your new nickname is white chocolate" He said as I matter of fact. I'm going to grow grey hair before time with this dude.

"At least tell me what chocolate" I mumbled in defeat.

"White kit kat" I rolled my eyes and groaned silently. Is he five? Maybe three? Because Jesus Christ, his ass is annoying.

"Whatever" I said running my hands down his slender back. He looked up at me with those big brown eyes of his and smiled.

"Let's play a game" See what I'm saying? Who, at his age, plays games? I guess crazy things is what you do when you're waiting for dinner to be ready.

"What game?" I asked.

"Its called confession. You're going to confess something that happened or a feeling and it must be true" I hummed and thought about it. I guess its not as childish as 21 questions. That games frustrates me.

"Okay, start" He chuckled and nodded before getting comfortable on my chest.

"Okay, so, when I was like five, my grandmother from my mom's side, used to take care of a little girl and she always brought snacks with her. I used to tell her that we will date if she gave me her food and she always did but we never dated. I think she did think we were dating" I shook my head while chuckling.

"I always knew your thirst for food was real" I said making him pinch my stomach. I groaned and smacked him on the back of his head "Stop abusing me"

"Stop abusing me" He mocked "Your turn"

"Um... I used to play mom and dad with a boy and I was always the mom. We used a teddy bear as our child and the guy went to work for like two minutes before coming back home and kissing me on the lips, then the teddy bear saying he missed us. I used to have food cooked in the kitchen set games that were for girls. It belonged to my sister" I admitted shamefully. Who does that?

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