Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Selene was very happy to wake up the next morning without a hangover. She was having a good morning until she ran into Jane Harris at the boutique. She tried to ignore her as much as possible but living in the same town and going to the same school and working for her mother had its faults. But for Selene there wasn’t another choice, Jane's mother paid well and she wasn't leaving town.

She didn't understand why Jane was still around; she had enough money to go to any school she wanted to. Maybe she was close to her family but Selene doubted it, she was too bitchy to get along with anyone.

"I doubt my mother pays you to sit on your ass."

Selene rolled her eyes. "Can I help you?" she was still working and Jane was looking at dresses. Just great, she thought.

"I have a date tonight, not that you'd know anything about that. I need a new dress to look my best but again-"

"Uh huh I wouldn't know anything about that. You need to come up with better put downs." Selene was going to try and be nice but she just couldn't when Jane came at her first.

Jane walked over to the check-out counter. "How's this for an assault, guess who my date is with?"

Selene crossed her arms and sighed. "Who?"

"Ben Haywood."

Selene laughed. "And I care why?" she said but it did affect her just because it was Jane. She knew Ben; he wouldn't date someone like Jane, would he? She doubted Jane was lying because like she said, why should she care about this? Everyone knew she and Ben rarely got along.

Jane walked away and continued to look around the store. Selene sat back down and got back to the magazine she was reading. But now she couldn't focus on anything because her mind was thinking about Ben and Jane.

Jane was a pretty girl and very much Ben's type but the type of girl Jane was; a bitch, that wasn't Ben's type even though in Selene's opinion he was nearly as bad as she was so maybe they deserved each other. She sighed and reminded herself whatever they did wasn't her problem.

As Jane continued to look another customer came in. "How may I help you ma'am?"

"I have a wedding to go to tomorrow and I just found out. I need something to wear quickly." The woman explained.

Selene smiled, it was refreshing to get customers in that weren't stuck up and believed money ruled the world. "Come on I'll show you some dresses that work good for a wedding." She came from behind the counter and showed the woman a few dresses. They narrowed it down to three then the woman went to try them on.

The weekend always seemed to be much busier then the other days for people to shop. Selene was bone tired when she left that evening. She went home and collapsed on the sofa with a sigh. She heard movements in the kitchen. "You really need to buy your own soda."

"Why when yours is free?"

"You're so cheap it's amazing. Speaking of cheap I hear you're taking Jane Harris out, she doesn't come cheap."

Ben joined her in the living room; he pushed her legs to the floor and sat on the sofa. "I'm not cheap when it matters; I know how to show a girl a good time."

Selene thought maybe she was losing it but that sounded like it had a double meaning, she shuddered at the thought. "If you end up married and have kids, little devil's would literally walk the earth." She voiced her thought as she stared up at the ceiling as she still lay on the sofa.

"She's not that bad."

"Of course you would say that, evil can't see other evil."

"You should stop talking about yourself like that."

Selene kicked him in the thigh. "So you won't be here tonight and Scott's out of town," she sat up. "Hell yes." She was going to go to her room but Ben pulled her back down by her pony tail.

"What ideas are floating in your head? I'm supposed to watch out for you this weekend."

"Let go of my hair and Scott didn't mean watch me every second, I have a life you know." Selene explained as she sat beside him now.

"What are you doing tonight?" Ben asked as if he didn't hear a word she had said. He sat back on the sofa and pulled the tie out of her hair causing the deep brown locks to fall around her face.

Selene gave him a narrowed look when she turned around and met his eyes. "You're really asking for it."

"Uh huh, so what are you doing tonight?" he was going to keep asking until she answered.

"Hanging out with Carrie out her house." Selene lied and it felt good. "So if you'll excuse me I'm leaving. Staying here with you longer then five minutes is bad for my health." She grabbed her keys and left. Since Scott was out of town he left his car to her and took Gillian's instead.

Selene partly lied, she was going to Carrie's house but they weren't staying there long. Carrie was her best friend for the last ten years since Carrie moved into town; once they met they just hit it off. But lately they were both so busy with school and work, that's why they had to go out tonight and have fun.

"You're two hours early." Carrie said with a laugh as she let Selene in.

"It was now or never. I had to ditch Ben."

"Is he giving you a hard time with Scott out of town?"

"No he's pretty much the same but I know that won’t last. He always finds a way to piss me off then I piss him off, we fight and then do it all over again. Oh get this; he's going out on a date with Jane Harris." Selene explained as they headed up to her bed room.

"What a waste, such a fine hunk of man wasted on queen bitchola."

"Hunk of-? Eww. I think they're perfect for each other, why should normal nice people date them?" Selene pulled the desk chair out and sat down while Carrie took the bed. "Anyway I'm free of my over protective brother and his minion so it's time to let loose."

"Yeah and Brandon's party is just the way to do it."

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