Turn To The Sun

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What is the mysterious force that causes a sprouting seed to grow up instead of down? I plant a bulb upside down in the ground, but it always comes out "right side up." It is the sunlight above which attracts the plant itself. Plants always seek the sunlight. Notice how your house plant turn and bend way over to reach the light from the window. Why is a sunflower called a sunflower? Because it turns with the sun in the morning to the east and follows it to the west. Why does a dandelion open only on sunny days but remains closed on dark days? It is the power of the sun. Obstruct the sunlight and life fades out. Throw a board on the grass. leave it for a few days and the grass will turn a sickly yellow, from which it will not recover for days. As a plant seeks the sun above, so we are to seek the Sun of Righteousness.

E. G. White writes, "As a flower turns to the sun, that the bright beams may aid in perfecting its beauty and symmetry, so should we turn to the Son of Righteousness, that heaven's light may shine upon us, that our character may be developed in the likeness of Christ."

As flowers turn to light each day, 

    So Lord I turn to You,

Endow my eyes with insights clear

    And grant me visions true.

Enrich my life with purity,

    That all who gaze on me

May see the beauty of Your life,

    Reflected bright in me.

Let me this morning do my part

    To brighten someone's way,

And tell the world the light of Hope

    Is shining still today.

- anonymous

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