Mending Again!: chapter 10

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“He. . .bindeth up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3. “. . . Thou sewest up mine iniquity.” Job 14:7. Binding up broken hearts and sewing the threadbare lives torn by sin requires the skill of a divine hand. It is a blessed and perpetual task which can only be successfully performed by our loving Lord.

Many years ago Clara Fenema portrayed this thought in poetic form. Drawing a beautiful analogy between  the conscientious mother and the work performed by the Master for His needy children, she captioned her bit of verse: Mending Again!

Mending again!

Week in, week out, the pile is there

Of clothes that are unfit to wear;

A button off, a rip or two

An overall with knee burst through.

Mending again!

Perhaps the same clothes fixed before

With buttons off and ripped some more.

We sit and mend, and soon we learn,

Like bread on water, ‘will return.

Mending Again!

Day in, day out, the Master mends

The Christian’s life so full of rents,

Some caused by our own carelessness

A broken heart in deep distress.

Mending Again!

How patiently He comes and mends

With threads of love the selfsame rents,

Broken anew, bleeding and sore,

That He has fixed so oft before!

No matter how many times we have been torn by besetting sin and have brought sorrow into our lives by our spiritual carelessness, we may continue to come to Him with out tattered lives. He stands ready to bind up those who broken-heartedly confess their transgressions and sincerely determine with His help to forsake them. How thankful we are for the forgiving heart of the great mender who lovingly brings together the threads so frequently rent by our iniquity.

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