Shining Through: Chapter 101

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Cascading waterfalls, with their muffled rumble, broke the stillness of Rickett's Glen, Pennsylvania. With my wife, Martha, beside me, we walked toward them through a forest of oaks, elms and aspens. 

Thick enough to keep the sunrays out, the ragged branches met overhead, but here and there the blue sky could be glimpsed. The hilly ground was littered with rocks, leaves, and bits of grass. Bur in patches, where the sunrays did strike the ground, two-foot-high ferns saluted the light with their many pointed leaves.

We stopped and looked at those patches for a while.

"Where the sun shines," Martha spoke softly, "there is growth."

Looking up again, we saw the sunbeams streaking down through the missing shingles in the forest's roof. 

"Just like a Christian's life," I heard quiet words say. "Where God's light shines through, there is growth." 

- Robert Natiuk

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