Chapter 1

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Laurine's P.O.V

The noise of cars around me has become an almost steady hum, interrupted by stuttering engines or a casual beep of the horn when someone gets in the way.
My walk to school is particularly dreary today without my best friend, Ciara.

My phone beeps.
"Enjoy school x"
Hah fat chance.
I text Ciara back as I walk.
"Mm thanks. Feel better x"

The rain starts to pour and I pull my hood over my hair praying it stops quickly.
I reach school after an agonisingly long amount of time, probably only minutes in reality and sling my bag down beside my locker as I shudder. I shrug my coat off and shove it into my locker.
There's the usual buzz in the school after the weekend as everyone whispers about what went down at the party that Ciara and I chose to avoid.
I slam my locker shut and open the bathroom door with a sigh.

Yep. I knew it. There's the group of popular girls huddled around one of their friends as she sobs about something she did at the aforementioned party.
I walk back out as they all glare at me as though my need for the bathroom was intentionally nosy or something.

Today shall be fun.
"Hey Laurine." Oh. Oh my. It's Niall.
I've adored Niall for the past two years but I'm always too shy to speak to him.
Maybe he noticed my haircut.
"Laurine I hate to ask but is there any chance I could get the biology homework from you?"

The bell freeing us for the day is much appreciated.
"Laurine." Someone calls me just as I'm about to walk out the door.
"Oh hey Sarah." I smile at her.
She shows me a poster as she squeals.
I take it so I can read it as her inability to hold it steady has become evident.
"Hometown are playing a gig. Here. Here Laurine."
She mashes her words together before snatching the poster and running off.
"Don't you know one of them or something? Or Ciara?"
Asks a female voice behind me.
"She used to." I don't turn to see who I'm directing my answer to. It doesn't matter. That was a long time ago.

Maybe we should go though. It'd be fun at least. Plus the lads are so hot. Major bonus. I definitely had be eye on a couple of them . Maybe Ciara will agree. I guess it's worth a shot.
I call in to the hotel on the way home to see if they have the tickets and voila.
I pay right there and then and pray that Ciara will be happy about this.
I grab my phone and bite my lip hoping I'm doing a good thing.

"May have something to cheer you up." I text.
I rush to the shop and grab some of the foods Ciara craves.

This is going to be so much fun. I haven't been to a gig in forever.

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