Chapter 17

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Laurine's P.O.V

I open my eyes and squint against the sun, trying to keep them open. Either today is the nicest morning we've had in a long time or I've slept in late.
The chatter outside confirms my suspicions. It's half twelve and I definitely have to get up. I glance out the window and see Ciara and the lads outside laughing.
Dean seems to be cooking food on the barbecue.
Ciara and Dayl are dancing like idiots to Irish country music and Josh, Ryan and Brendan are kicking a football around. Where's Cian?

I shower as quickly as humanly possible and get dressed. The rare appearance of the sun is always a welcome change here. I pull on a pretty sundress and rush outside.
"Well hello hello hello Sleeping beauty!"
Dayl grins, mocking me.
Ciara giggles as the next song starts and he starts dancing again, intentionally horrific.
I laugh as I sit down on the warm bench and bask in the rare, mild sunlight.
I'm not quite awake enough yet to join in their antics, opting more for the more peaceful option.
It becomes immediately evident however that solitude is actually not an option as Ciara comes over and sits down with me.
"Where's Cian?" I ask.
"Gone to get some drinks down the town." Dean shouts. I have no idea how he heard me but he had.
Ciara nods in confirmation.
"You missed all the fun." She sighs.
"I can see that!" I giggle.

Her face turns solemn as she looks at me and my smile fades away.
"What's wrong Lau?"
I feel my face drain of colour.
No. I'm not ruining their day. It's not happening.
I try to pass it off as silly.
"What are you talking about?" I fake a laugh.
Her eyes squint as she watches me.
She's not buying it.
"Oh look, Cian's back" I squeal running to him, desperate to avoid this probing.
Ciara looks unsettled.

The lads open the bags and start to pass around drinks.
After a while the messing begins again and the playful banter turns to playful fights. Dayl grabs the garden hose and squirts Ciara with the cold water. She squeals as it hits her skin and turns to him.
"Dayl you..." She sprints after him, the glass of water she just poured at the ready, now to be used as a weapon in their game.
Dayl grabs the glass off her and throws it at me.
I giggle and look around for a retaliation method. Cian comes up behind me and offers me a glass of water.
I take the glass and throw the water over Dayl and soon enough everyone's involved.
Cian grabs me by the waist from behind and hugs me tight.
"I love you." He breathes in my ear.
My heart flutters and I turn to kiss him.
A glass of water is poured over us, breaking up the kiss.
I turn to find the culprit but Josh is already far away from me again, laughing with the others.
I laugh as Cian shakes the water from his hair.
As I look up I catch sight of Ciara over his shoulder, watching me with troubled eyes. She's still worrying.
"Ciara I'll tell you later." I shout across.
She nods, seeming to accept my answer and returns to her conversation with Dean.
But the thoughts of telling her is already making me nervous...

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