Chapter 16

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Ciara's P.O.V.:

Italy was amazing. Those 2 weeks flew by so fast. Too bad we have to go back home now. We've seen everything and it was magical. We bought all the guys and Lau some souvenirs. The plane is about to land soon so me and Dean collected our things. We've called Dayl and asked him to pick us up at the airport.

"Thank you for this amazing birthday present, Dean. It was amazing," I said and pecked his cheek.

"It was my pleasure to arrange it for you, princess," he grinned.

The plane lands 30 minutes later and Dean and I get up from our seats. We get off the plane and head to baggage claim. I hear a scream from behind a glass. I think someone's happy to see someone. I grab my suitcase and walk to the gate. I hear the same scream and seconds later two arms wrap around me and tackle me to the floor.

"Oh my God how was Italy?! Tell me everything!" Lau. Of course it's her. Who else could it be. All I could do is giggle and hug her back.

"It's lovely to see you too," I sat up. Dean grabbed a hold of my arm and helped me up.

"But seriously, how was Italy?" Ryan asked.

"Honestly? It sucked," Dean said.

"Yeah it was terrible. The food sucked, the hotel was low quality," I said playing along.

"What? Really?" Josh said and raises his eyebrows.

"I received your texts and you said it was amazing," Lau said stunned.

Dean and I started to laugh.

"We're just joking, Italy was amazing. I wish I could live there," I said and took my suitcase. We headed to the car and went back home. Italy was amazing, but there's no place like home.

We arrived at the house after an hour. It was a long ride, especially when there's traffic.

"What did you get us!?" Dayl said and kneeled down in front of my suitcase, his eyes and facial expression filled with excitement like a 5-year-old on Christmas Day.

I giggled and gave everyone their present. I grabbed the small box that was meant for Lau and walked over to her. She was in the middle of a conversation with Cian, so I decided to wait a while.

"Why haven't you told me this earlier?" I overheard Cian say.

"Because I was scared. I have massive trust issues. I haven't even told Ciara yet, but that's just because I don't want her to worry about me," Lau said. A slight frown formed on my face as I kept listening.

"You shouldn't have kept this from me and especially Ciara. She has the right to know," Cian said and walked away from her.

"Cian wa--" she started but he wouldn't listen. I walked towards her. I tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and put a smile on her face. Definitely fake, she's been fake smiling more than real smiling lately. Something's going on.

"Ciao, bella!" She giggled.

"Tell me what? What were you and Cian talking about?" I said and crossed my arms. Her smile faded. Was she finally going to tell me her secret?

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