Chapter 15

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Laurine's P.O.V

Waking up without Ciara around feels strange and makes me so much more grateful for our friendship. I check my phone to see the message telling me how stunning Italy is.
"So jealous babe, take loads of pics for me 😘" I reply.
Within minutes I have a reply from her.
"Loads and loads x how's Cian then?😏"
"Perfect as always I'm sure. Don't know what we are tho?😩"
"Give him something to work with Lau, make sure he knows you want that yeah?❤️"
Uh oh. There it is. That scares me so much. How do I flirt? Me and Ciara have always been the ones who sit back and try not to draw attention to ourselves.
I'm crazy about Cian and I want him to know that but how?
I get up and get ready.

Now what? Everything today feels forced as my boredom takes over.
The doorbell rings and in pour Josh, Dayl and Cian.
Dayl opens a can of Pringles and slumps down on the couch with an xbox controller.
"Dean's gone, Ryan is running and Brendan went back home for the day so here we are." Josh grins, joining Dayl on the couch.
Cian smiles at me but seems unsure. After all the last time we saw each other was quite dramatic.
He sits down in the armchair.
Uncertain, I sit down on the arm of the chair, very conscious of our closeness.
I run my hand through his hair gently. "It really suits you like that."
He grips the hand I had in his hair lightly in his, gently caressing the skin with his thumb.
He pulls me down onto his knee.
"That can't have been very comfortable." He whispers, his lips on my neck.
I shake my head lightly. He kisses my neck slowly and I feel my heart race.
I glance at Dayl and Josh.
Josh is absorbed in the game of Fifa, though Dayl is grinning at us.
Cian's hands slip around my waist but he doesn't make any further moves.
I peck him gently, just a little to the side of his lips.
He looks at me as I pull away, his eyes intense.
I glance down at his lips and back up to his eyes.
He bites his lip, smiling slightly.
He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back, pulling myself closer to him.
Dayl starts to wolf whistle and I pull away, reluctant.
Cian pecks me once more before letting me go. I get up and Dayl grins cheekily at me.
"That was cute." I roll my eyes but I can't help but grin.
Cian gets up and follows me to the kitchen.
He comes closer, until he's just inches from my face. He wraps his arms around my waist and looks at me.
"I've been trying to figure out where I stand with you." He breathes, his voice low.
"I think I like you too much." I grin, biting my lip.
"Don't want to seem too forward or something."
Cian laughs. "I just figured you aren't a flirt but hey now I get it."
I giggle. "It's all strategic of course."
He kisses my forehead.
"Seriously though Laurine. I wasn't sure if we were clear but will you be my girlfriend?"
I reach up to kiss him again, ecstatic.
"Of course." I agree, breathless.

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