Chapter 23

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Cian's P.O.V

My head is still fried after all the punches I've taken today. I feel better now that Christina  has calmed me down. She's known me since we were tiny and she knows how to get me to be reasonable, I guess. Anyway long story short, I've decided to call Ciara to make sure she's okay and tell Dean and Lau that I'm finished with them. End of story. 

I pick up my phone but before I even have a chance to dial Ciara's number her contact info appears on the screen, illuminating the dark sitting room. 

"Hey how's everything? " I sigh.

She sounds gutted, she's broken hearted and it's immediately evident in her voice.

"Cian please just listen because it's really hard for me to get this out..." 

Her breaths are uneven, her voice breaks. I can almost hear the tears as they fall.

"Ciara they're not worth it. I can't believe they could stoop so low. And your best friend of all people. I'm gutted too Ciara, I thought maybe she was the one. But I was just another one and although I fucking ..."

Ciara buts in, her tone distant.

"Cian shut the fuck up." 

This stops me in my tracks. Ciara is never so abrupt. They've really broken her .

"Ciara listen.."

"Cian she's in hospital." Her composure disappears all together as I hear her crumble and an almighty bang makes me jump, I assume she dropped the phone. I hear a male voice try to sooth her, a steady low, calm hum.

What is she talking about? 


Why is Ciara with Dean? Surely she's strong enough to walk away?

"Cian?" Dean calls.

"You're a fuc..."

"It's not what you think Cian. Laurine is in hospital, we're on our way to get you."

He hangs up as his voice is replaced by a low buzz, probably a car radio.

I make the hasty decision to hear him out as I feel my stomach drop to my feet. Is Laurine okay? No matter what she's done, I can't deny that she still means the world to me. I couldn't cope if something bad happened.

The car pulls up and I open the back door. I jump into the back seat and try to gauge the mood. Ciara is in bits, still sobbing her eyes out as Dean tries to calm her.

Dean speeds off, slowing only to allow for the speed limit.

He drives and I try to decide whether or not I hate him.

And then he halts suddenly and Ciara grabs her belt to stop herself flying forward.

"Bullshit." He growls under his breath as a guard approaches the car.

"I'm sorry but this road is not in use at the moment. There are traffic diversions sir and I'll have to ask you to turn back. There were signs." The man eyes Ciara. Scratch that he's monitoring traffic, this isn't a guard. 

Dean groans.

"It's urgent" 

The man shakes his head. Ciara whimpers. I stay silent.

"Sorry sir." He looks at Ciara again. "Is she okay?" 

Dean nods, distracted and begins to reverse.

There's no more speaking for a while apart from Dean murmuring very quietly in response to Ciara's whimpers.

"Cian." He says, cautious.

"Nobody cheated. You both got the story wrong okay? Right now Laurine is in a serious condition. She needs you so suck it up."

And my heart shatters. 

Hey everyone, Ciara here. 

I've decided to do this chapter in Cian's P.O.V as I felt it would make the most sense. 

We hope you're enjoying the story so far and would greatly appreciate any questions or comments on here or via twitter.

Much love, C+L x 

Note To SelfUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum