Chapter 22

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Ciara's P.O.V.:

After Lau left Dean wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close. I nuzzled my face into his neck and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Will you please forgive me? Can we forget about this?" Dean whispered in my ear. I looked up to him and stared into his beautiful eyes.

"Yes and yes," I giggled and pressed my lips against his.
I grabbed my phone and opened twitter. My notificiations were blewing up. Everyone was tweeting "I'm here for you," to me. I sighed and sent a new tweet: "Everything's alright everyone. It was a misunderstanding."

I checked Lau's twitter account and saw tweeted a pic of one those sad texts again. I checked Cian's and my eyes widened.

"Umm, Dean. Cian's gone mental. You might want to call him and explain what happened," I said. That second I received a new text. It was from Lau:
Cian knows. He read everything. He had a girl over at his place. A blonde. It's all my fault. I've ruined everything. I'm sorry.

My eyes widened in fear. What was she up to?

"Dean. Call Cian. I have to find Lau before it's too late," I said and headed out the door.

I sent a couple of texts asking her where she was. I called her, but she didn't answer. She didn't reply to my texts either.

Okay, Ciara. Think. Where would you go if you were in her shoes? I checked her twitter again, but she deactivated her account. Oh shit. I rushed to the park, hoping she'd be there. I searched behind every tree, looked under every rock but she was nowhere to be found. I kicked a loose branch and sat down in the grass. Thirty minutes later my phone rang.
I picked up.

"Hello?" I replied absentmindedly.

"Good evening," the male voice said. Evening? I looked up at the sky and saw it was pitch black. Oh. Evening, "is this Ciara Lane?" the voice continued.

"Yes, this is she." I said and wiped my tears away. "Who is this?" I added.

"My name is Dr. Garland from Trinity Hospital. I take it you're related to Ms. Laurine Philippe?" Wait. What? Doctor? Hospital? Related?

"Umm, yeah I guess you could say that," I said a bit unsure. Why is a doctor calling me? Oh my God, did something happen to Lau?

"You guess?"

"Yeah, she's my best friend, but we're like sisters," I said. What is happening?

"Okay, well, your friend was found in a lake in Phoenix Park. We don't know what happened yet, but the police is trying to find out."

Tears started to form in my eyes. "What? Is she okay? Can I see her?" I asked and got up, but my legs were like Jell-O. I couldn't stand.

"Your friend is in a coma right now. We won't know if she's going to make it. I need some information--" he said but I couldn't hear him. I hung up and texted Dean, asking him to pick me up.

He arrived after 15 minutes and carried me to his car. He sat me down and buckled his seatbelt. He kissed my forehead.

"She'll make it. She's tough." he said. I didn't say anything. I knew it wasn't true. She's not tough. She's pretending she is. She's actually not strong at all.

Oh Lau, what happened.

Note To SelfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz