Chapter 7

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Laurine's P.O.V

"Morning sunshine!" I grin as Ciara takes the stares two at a time.
She giggles. Oh my, she's got it bad. She's usually groggy in the mornings.
"Lau what am I going to wear?"
I roll my eyes. "Like it matters!"
"Why wouldn't it matter?"
I laugh. "Because he won't care. He's seen you in your sweats so why can't you just wear normal clothes?"
She pulls a mock shocked face and I laugh.

"I'll stalk his Twitter babe!"
She laughs. "Good plan,Lau."
I grab my laptop and open Twitter.
"Dean hasn't tweeted anything unusual.
Some song lyrics, tweet about how good the gig was and some retweets."
She nods in approval.
My timeline is overflowing with Hometown tweets.

I open Instagram as I kick my feet up on the couch.
Ciara comes over and starts scrolling, her hair blocking my view as she leans over me.
And then she screams.
Really screams. I jump about a mile.
"What?? What happened? What did he do?"
Ciara is squealing and jumping and, if I'm honest, scaring me.
"No Lau look! It's you!"
She turns the screen so I can see and there it is. I'm on Cian's Instagram.

The pic is so cute.
"Couldn't find her so I figure I'll just post it. Someone find this girl's account for me. #newfriends #greatnight #gorgeousgirl #findlaurine"

No. This isn't real. What.
There's about a million Laurine's tagged underneath.
Some of them are even claiming to be me.
Cinderella story much? That glass slipper is mine girls.
Ciara takes my laptop again and likes the picture.
"Oh come on! You're not going to ignore that!"
She started a comment. I may die of embarrassment.
"Think it's me you're looking for mate😏 #foundlaurine"

Omg. "Ciara!"
She just laughs.
"Help me get ready?"
I sigh following her up the stairs.
She gets a notification.
I watch as she opens her Instagram and flicks through til she finds what she's actually looking for.
"I think he followed you. Wait.... He did! Ah oh wow. He replied too."

Omg. I grab the phone.
"Well would you look who appeared😊 was beginning to think you were embarrassed of me. Maybe message me later?"
He did not say that. I think my heart has stopped beating.
Ciara is beaming at me.
"Someone took a shine to you anyway."

I can feel my blush growing.
"Message him now Laurine! Right this minute!"
"Hey Cian! Thanks for the picture and for being so lovely."
Sounds casual enough.
So now we wait and wait and wait some more.

Hours have passed and still no reply.
I should've known. I feel so stupid.
"He tweeted." I groan.
"Maybe he hasn't opened Instagram yet!" Ciara tries. I sigh. Yeah right.
Six hours. Game over. I know it's stupid but I feel so disappointed.
Like I actually believed he wanted to talk to me.
Dean arrives and Ciara rushes out the door.

My phone beeps and my heart races.
"Feels so right x hoping it goes well, love you loads x" it's Ciara.
I try not to be disappointed but I am.
I feel myself nod off and I don't bother to fight it.
I wake an hour later.

"Laurine I'm so sorry. Not always this awful at replying, mad busy today and didn't even see your message! You still up?"
Omg. He messaged me. Cian Morrin messaged me.

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