Chapter 13

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Laurine's P.O.V

In a desperate attempt not to ruin Ciara's birthday I push all doubts about the mystery girl from my mind. Well at least I try to. My mind is racing. I can't understand  how  they could all be cruel enough to pretend like nothing was going on. Ciara's preoccupied with Dean and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't notice if I just slipped out the door for a minute. I need to clear my head.

As soon as I get up to leave I hear the footsteps,  already following me. I slump down onto the swing in the back garden, resigned to the fact that I had to talk to him.
"Lau are you okay? You've been sort of distant."
Cian sits down beside me, watching me carefully.
"I'm fine."
"Ouch! What did I do?" He grimaces.
I sigh.
"Nothing it's fine."
"Laurine it's clearly not fine!" He sighs. He gets up and pulls me into a protective hug.
"I was stupid enough to think... who was that girl Cian? Mel? Was it? Are you... You know... With her?"
Cian shakes his head furiously but I know the truth.
"Cian you remember you gave me your hoodie earlier? The one you wore yesterday?
I found a girl's necklace in the pocket."
"Shit. It's not..."I see the realisation in his eyes and my heart aches. That was all I needed. I don't need to hear the rest. I feel so humiliated.
I pull away from him and run.
I sprint to the bathroom and lock the door.
Of course he would be with her. Why would he have been available?

I sit there for hours crying. Feeling like a complete idiot.
When it's dark enough and quiet enough that I know everyone must be gone home I unlock the door, ready to put on a brave face for Ciara. But it's so dark that I trip over something.
I just lay there trying to not cry again. Something moves under me.
Cian. Omg it was NOT Cian I just tripped over. But it was. Slumped against the door frame, he gets up and gently helps me up too.
"It's not what it looks like. I promise you."
"What is it then Cian?"
I know my face is desperate, pleading as I look back at him in the dim light.
"The truth please?"

He sighs. "It's nothing bad like that Lau. It's just Dean..."
"Dean?" I ask surprised.
"Okay so he was pretty beaten up about the break up, you know that. But when we met him it wasn't Ciara we met. It was over but it was never really over if you get me. He missed her. Mel was the rebound. And she dealt with a very messed up lad. He kept a couple of Ciara's things. Mel found the necklace one day and he obviously wasn't going to tell her who's it was. So he lied. He said it was for her. She was wearing it yesterday. We couldn't let Ciara see that. Plus she listened to angry Dean bitch and moan about Ciara when he never really meant it. It would've hurt both the girls too much to meet each other." He takes a deep breath.
"Woah." I breath. "I'm sorry I just presumed..."
He shakes his head.
"You're not stupid to think we've got something Lau. I'm crazy about you. I'd never do anything to hurt you."
I lean over and hug him with all my might.
"You can meet her if you need to hear it from her but I promise that's all it is."
I shake my head.
"I believe you."

"It's just you're so perfect and funny and gorgeous and talented and amazing and kind and I'm just a normal girl and I don't know..."
His lips find mine and I lose my train of thought.
He kisses me like he's never kissed me before.
Pulling me as close as possible. The urgency of the kiss distracts me to the point where I barely hear the footsteps coming towards us.
"Eh excuse me that's my man!" Dayl laughs.
Cian sticks up his middle finger at Dayl, smiling as he kisses me and returns his hand to my waist.
Dayl comes over and ruffles my hair playfully. I grin, pulling away from Cian as he reluctantly lets me stand up and playfully hitting Dayl. He just picks me and walks downstairs as I struggle to get down. Cian laughs. What a turn tonight has taken.

I hear light chatter and laughter in the sitting room and my heart feels lighter. Cian tackles Dayl, freeing me and pulls me into his arms for another hug.
"I fully intended on waiting outside that door all night you know."
I smile, pecking his cheek.
"Why would you do that?"
"Coz you're worth it."

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