Chapter 25

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Cian's P.O.V

Laurine hadn't got much energy and the doctors made us leave soon after the emotional reunion. A kind nurse suggested a cup of coffee . All I could see was how timid and vulnerable Laurine had seemed when she looked at me. A distraction would be welcome so I agreed.

We walked through the corridors of the hospitals, all smelling so repulsively clean, the horrible smell of the sterilised surroundings in a hospital that makes you wonder what all the cleaning products were to remove. I couldn't bear it. The knot in my stomach was tightening.

Now sitting opposite Ciara at a corner table in the small  hospital cafe, empty with the exception of us, Dean and the young man serving him.

"What happened?" I sigh, desperately needing an explanation but trying to preoccupy myself, seem indifferent to lessen the blow.

Ciara stares at her phone on the table as though she's waiting for Lau to text her. Her fingers twitch towards it but there's nobody that can make it easier.

She glances up at me.

"The rumours were wrong, it was the original break up that their kiss caused and it wasn't much of a kiss. She went to see you, to apologise for forgetting your date but you were with another girl."

Oh no. Of course she would've thought that's what was happening.

"I wasn't..." 

Ciara shrugs.

"Stop blaming yourself." She murmurs and I wonder if she's talking to me.

"Well now I know what she saw I definitely blame myself."

Ciara shakes her head.

"I should've called, to tell you the truth about it all."

I roll my eyes. "It's definitely not your fault."

"She means so much to me." Ciara cries .

I feel the knot get tighter.

Dean flops down into the seat beside me handing me a coffee. 

"Listen Cian. It meant nothing. It was an eternity ago and it wasn't even a proper kiss.  Laurine barely even remembers it." 

A small laugh escapes me. "Doesn't sound good for your kissing skills."

Dean shakes his head and shoves me playfully. Ciara manages a small smile.

"I beg to differ."

Dean grins at her and my heart aches. I want Laurine. I want to see her now, right now, I want to tell her how much she means to me. But here I am, rooted to a chair in a sickly cafe.

"It makes you realise how lucky we are." Ciara sighs.

Dean nods. "Everything can change in a split second."

"Note to self." I sigh, mentally vowing to never take her for granted again.

The others walk in and I feel the mood life slightly. Everyone just has to smile when Dayl's in the room.

"Lighten up Romeo!" Dayl grins ruffling my hair.

"Think of what could've happened!" I groan.

"But it didn't Cian. Be grateful that this was the outcome when it could've been so much worse."

He's right. 

"C'mon let's get some fresh air. Sitting here isn't helping her. Why not go clear our heads?" 

I stand up, indecisive.

Dean offers Ciara his hand and pulls her up into a hug. 

She clings to him for a minute before breaking away and smiling.

Ciara links her and on my elbow and takes Deans hand.

"They're right. We'll come back when we can visit." 

Walking out the doors  is so lovely as we he's the birds sing again and the sun, as bright as it could be considering this country's weather. But it was also appallingly difficult as I walked further away from the girl who needed me. But I'd be back. We weren't going very far.

Laurine's P.O.V

As the monitors beeped and they fussed over me and my head spun I tried to make sense of everything. 

Although my head is hazy I have a distinct feeling that maybe just maybe,

It'll be alright. 

Love goes on.

Note To SelfKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat