Chapter 10

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Ciara's P.O.V.:

When I was upstairs my phone rang. I picked up almost immediately and heard Dean's voice on the other side of the phone line.

"Hello, it's me," he started. I giggled knowing where he was going with this, "I was wondering if after all these hours you'd like to meet," he said and chuckled a little.

"To go over what?" I giggled, playing along.

"Everything. They say time's supposed to heal you, but as you've seen I ain't done much healing," he laughed and joined him, "no but seriously, do you want to come with us on tour for a while? You can meet the lads as well, since they're dying to meet you," he said.

"I'd actually love that," I said. I could use a break from school.

"Great. Our next gig is tomorrow, so you can come with us then. I'll pick you up aroud noon, we can have lunch and then you can watch us rehearse, how's that for a plan?" He said and I could hear him smile.

"That sounds like a perfect plan," I smiled.

"That's great. I'll see you tomorrow, princess," he said and hang up.

I woke up the next morning and quickly took a shower. I stepped out after 10 minutes and dried myself with a towel. I blowdried my hair and brushed it. I took my make up kit and applied eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. I brushed my hair for the final time and went back downstairs. As if on queue the doorbell rang. A smile formed on my lips. I went to the door and openend it. There he was. Looking handsome as ever with his hat and another bouquet of roses. This man never stops, does he?

"Well hello, there, beautiful," he grinned and kissed my cheek.

"Hello there, handsome," I giggled. He handed me the flowers and I took them, "They smell delicious," I smiled and went to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. After doing that Dean and I went outside.

"Where do you want to go for lunch?" I asked and put my coat on.

"How about Jamie's Italian?" Dean smiled at me. If this was a cartoon, my eyes would be heart shaped right now. I love Italian food.

"Sounds like music to my ears," I grinned and got in the car. Dean drove to the restaurant.

After lunch we drove to the arena where the gig was held. Dean held my hand the entire way over there, giving it a small squeeze every once in a while. This feels so familiar and safe. I raised his hand to my lips and planted a kiss on his knuckles. He looked at me with a smile.

"Did I tell you you looked beautiful?" He grinned. I blushed.

"You don't have to tell me everytime we see each other, Dean," I giggled.

"I know that. But I want to remind my girl how beautiful she is," he grinned. 'My girl'. Hah. In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of dying.

We arrived at the arena after about 20 minutes. The lads were outside except for Cian. Lau wasn't there either. Wonder what they're doing 🌚. No just kidding, Lau's not that kind of girl.

"Finally! You're here!" Josh exclaimed.  Two of the lovebirds have arrived. Now the other two.

"Where's Cian?" Brendan asked Dean. Aw he looks so cute with his glasses.

"How should I know? I thought he was with you guys," Dean said and shrugged. I heard laughter behind me and saw Cian and Lau approaching. Wow, I haven't seen her laugh in a really long time. A smile formed across my lips and I walked to her. I didn't say anything to her, I just hugged her.

"You okay, Ciara?" She giggled. I smiled at her.

"I'm great," I said. I had a feeling that Cian was going to be able to fix her. I know she's broken, but she never told me what happened. I hope I'll find out soon.

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