My Broken Life-A MinecraftYoutuber Fanfic

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(Alex's P.O.V.)

Hi y'all! My name is Alexandra. Don't Ever call me that! Or else, I shall eat your cookies! Anywho, you can call me Alex!

I live in an orphanage in Texas, and right now, I have only one good friend and she's the BESTEST GIRLIE EVA!!!!!!! I love her to pieces! Her name's Nicole and she's amazing!

I love to draw, it's my passion! I like to think that Imma good at it... but I don't know!! I also love music, as long as it has a good beat!

I'm super tall for my age, 17, and I love the color purple. I wear contacts, and I have reddish/brownish hair that's curly and likes to poof!! PIZZA IS THE BEST FOOD KNOWN TO MAN!!! Your argument is invalid. I have brown eyes that have black specks in them, and I'm a Tom-Girl! I absolutely positively hate dresses! They fudging stink! And yeah, I don't cuss.

I do have a mental disorder that makes me act like a 12 year old, but, what can I say? Mommy says I'm special! Which is why Nicole is amazing because she still hangs out with me because everyone thinks I'm retarded, too bad for them! I'm also ADD, so yeah.

Plus, just for your information, Imma missing my right hand, which is really annoying cuz I be right-handed!

Welp, bye guyz, time for math! (Save me)


Hi guys!! This is my first FanFic so hope you guyz like it!! So just let me know what you guyz would like and stuff! Bye!


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