This is a seriously depressing chapter. Gosh dang. :/

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(Ty’s P.O.V)

Run Ty, gosh dang it, run faster!

I burst into the little gaming/recording room we had going on and yell out, “Guys, it’s Alex! She talked!”

Immediately everything broke loose, everyone started either darting out the door to the living room; apologizing to people they were recording with, and just shutting down equipment and whatnot.

I rush out after them, seeing as I was the last one to leave, and that everyone was now just sort of chilling, Jason and Jerome sitting by Alex, almost like they were protecting her. Every now and then they’d shoot glares at each other, with Alex completely wrapped up in her own thoughts. Oh no, Jason and Jerome both like her, this is not going to end well.

Alex was sitting there, looking quite numb. It’s amazing how much she managed to keep hidden with a smile. I mean, I would’ve never known that she was getting this bad. I know that some of the people here, Dakota and Jordan mainly, have struggled with the same issues as her when they were younger. So, hopefully they’ll help out a lot. I muse to myself as I take my seat next to Mitch and Adam.

(Alex’s P.O.V)

This is not good.

Houston, I repeat, this is not good.

They’re going to force me to tell them everything and it’s going to go awful.

“Alex,” Taylor starts out with his special soft voice. Probably doesn’t want to frighten the annoyingly fragile creature that is me. “Perhaps it’s time that we learned a little bit more about you?” His voice rises a little bit at the end of his sentence, making it sound like a question.

I remain silent, like I have perfected for the last 5 months. I nod ever so slightly. If I don’t tell them now, then when would I? I guess.

My English is going to be flippin’ horrible as well, since, well, yeah. “B-bad girl-l.” I say shakily, pointing at myself to emphasis my point, as if there were other girls in the room.

“Why?” Mitch asks me softly, eyes downcast. That was odd, Mitch usually was all outgoing, like Adam.

“My f-f-ault. I a-am sorry-y.” I manage to choke out a little bit.

“What was her fault?” I hear Ian whisper, rather confused, to Jordan. Who, in turn, shrugged.

“Fir-re-e.” Gosh dang my dumb speech issues.


I nod, eyes downcast, like Mitch just a few seconds ago.

“But, that wasn’t your fault!” Jordan protests.

“Yes it WAS!” I hiss out at him, momentarily being able to speak properly. Right after my little outburst, I got a short glance of Jordan’s shocked face, then all I saw where my knees. I collapsed into my ball, tuning out the world. Repeatedly saying the words “I’m sorry,” over and over again.

My throat is getting sore. There are some serious disadvantages to being mute. I would like a refund guys. I smile grimly to myself; I’m starting to act like my own self, at least in my own thoughts.

All at once I feel thousands of arms wrapping around me, hugging me. Saying that it was ok. That I’ll be alright. Someday.

That’s where I lost my shiz. I burst out into tears, sobbing into the nearest person’s shoulder, staining their shirt.

I hurt them. That thought hit me, hard, making me sob my heart out. I hurt the only people who care about me.

I want to be me again.

I want to be the girl who laughed at everything again.

Where’d that girl go?

I miss her.


I have a knack for writing frickin depressing stuff and I don't even know where it's coming from. But sorry for the depressing-ness, and whatnot. :) 

I don't plan out my chapters at all and they just sort of... happen.

Adam: There's a thing called Organization, that might help you out a lot.

Me: Thanks Adam, real helpful. I have like big plot twists but basically everything else I write sort of pops up in my head when I write it.

Adam: Well, that makes loads of sense. *Eye roll*

Me: Dont you roll your eyes at me, mister!

Adam: I am the Budder King, you can't boss me around! *waves budder around*

Me: Oook. Well, hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


Me: Thank you Adam, for bursting my eardroms.

Adam: No problemo!  

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