A Full Dude Is a Happy Dude

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(Alex's P.O.V)

After lunch everyone was content and happy. Now it was time to pack my entire wardrobe into my suitcase and big 'ol beach purse. Well, I've never used it for the beach, but it was something I think I'd use if I ever went to the beach.

"I feel so much better," Ty said with a contented sigh as we walked out of the restaurant. I nod in agreement.

Nicole and I happen to glance at each other at the same time and it hits hard, our eyes widen and we start running as fast as we can to the car. I got there first, panting hard, and straightened my shirt, patiently waiting for Taylor to unlock the doors.

The guys were just a hair of a second slower at figuring out what the hell just happened, and then all hell broke loose. The boys came charging at me, like a stampede of wild elephants. I shrieked like a little girl, I almost peed my pants, not really... but yeah. I brave myself, and there was a lot of bumping and shoving and near-death experiences.

I swear we actually brought up a dust-storm and when the cloud dispersed, I used a big fancy word, yay me, all was well and Adam was on Ty's lap and Jordan was on Quentin's lap. Those four boys were not happy at all, except for Adam, he was always happy, so he was just humming peacefully, perfectly content with squishing Ty.

My thoughts wonder, which is usually a dangerous thing. I'm so blessed and happy. My life was prefect right now, I have a family and tonight was the first night I was going to a home! A real-life home! Can you imagine that?? Me!! I wonder what the sleeping arrangements are going to be like. Maybe they've bough a house together and I'd get my own room. Or maybe I'll rotate between a few houses. I don't know!! But... I don't really care! Lolz, ERMERGERSH MAYBE I CAN DEAIGN MY ROOM AND MAKE IT ALL... ALL, outside-ey. And maybe I'll have flowers on my wall and fashizzle!!

"Alex? Aleeexxx? Earth to Alex, come in Alex. ALEXANDRA!!!" Fluffy screeched in my ear.

Perhaps I was daydreaming a tad bit too hard.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed right back in his ear, "One does not simply interrupt one's daydreaming, man! Not cool!"

"Sorry! It looked like you went into a coma or something! What were you daydreaming 'bout?" He asked me curiously.

"Imma not telling you." I replied back stubbornly.

"Plz, plz! I fan!" Fluffy pleaded with me.

"Hey, that's my line!" Ty jokingly called from the front.

"Yeah, whatever," Fluffy grumbled a little, "But... anywho... I deserve to know! I saved your life from that coma!" He said, perking up.

"Oh, fine!" I threw my hands up in despair," I was daydreaming 'bout if I got my own room." I admitted sheepishly.

"Really?!" Fluffy asked me, all excited and stuff.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you ARE getting your own room!" He said with his little smile. It's so cute... wait, don't I like Jason? Oh well, probably doesn't matter, since they would never like their annoying little adopted friend that way! I mean, no one's like me that way before, they all think I'm stupid.





Re-spawning 100% complete.

Epic mental fangirling time activated.

•~Le Magical Skip of Le Rest of Car Ride~•

"Thank you guys!" Nicole said gratefully to the boys, gracefully getting out of the car.

"Yeah, thanks Taylor for paying!" I said, tripping on my feet and landing face-first onto the pavement. I heard the boys explode with laughter, and I calmly got up, dusted myself off, and pretended nothing ever happened.

They drove off and Nicole looked at me with a little sigh;

"Guess it's time to start packing, huh?" She smiles at me sadly.

"I guess so," I said, smiling back a little.

Man, how I was going to miss this girl, the limit shall never be known.


Ok so I have like five things I wanted to say:

1- Sorry for not updating yesterday, went on a tour of the city and my little sis had stomach issues on the way back and let me just say... I was not in the mood for writing.

2- I WILL NOT be updating anymore on weekends and ill be trying my best to update everyday on the weekdays!

3- is it bad that I just discovered that JeromeASF's real name is Jerome?? HIS NAME IS FRIGGIN EPIC.

4- Is this story going too slowly? Idk, but yeah.

5-MAI TWEET GOT FAVORITED BY GOLDSOLSCE I seriously died. Like for a second I was just observing it that I went nuts and luckily no one was around to observe it!:) I HAZ TO SHARE DA NEWS WITH SOMEONE AND I CAN'T TELL MAI FRIENDS CUZ THEY DONT KNOW IM OBSESSED:) (just had to let it go, bit hyper. I apologize :)

Now that I've stopped bombarding y'all with useless info... hope y'all liked it and slap dat like button with your forehead! (BajanCanadian- I think yes!)

Bai :)

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