Truth Comes Out

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(Taylor’s P.O.V)

I am just chilling, ya know, casually looking for new houses after our old house burst into flames. Most of the guys seemed to be taking it very well, at least there wasn’t any crying, but a few of them were just sitting on their beds, staring off into the distance.

I haven’t seen Alex at all since the incident. In fact, she’s been staying inside her curtained-off bedroom type thing ever since.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Adam, Ty, and Jason walk over to her bedroom area. Good, she needs to be distracted for a while.

I focus back on my house-hunting. I found a really good house. It was a three-story, with enough bedrooms for everyone but one bedroom would have to have three people in it. I continue to look at the house, at the mortgage and all that fun, grown-up things.

After a while I hear a screech call my name from where Alex was.

“TAYLOR,” Jason screams.

I immediately bolt up from my lying down position and look around rather confused. I look over at Jason and he’s waving at me to come over quickly.

I rush over there, “What happened?!” I say, all out of breath, “Is everyone ok?!”

“No… no.” Adam whispers, “Its Alex.”

My eyes soften a little bit as I look over to Alex; she was sitting there, with her hair covering her face. I tilt her chin so she’s facing me.

“Hey, sweetie,” I ask softly, “Are you ok?”

I can see her eyes filling up with tears, and she slowly shakes her head. Her once vibrant brown eyes, dull. You could see that she grew more serious, almost like her mental condition was gone. She’s no longer a child, and it looks like she’s almost, I don’t know, gone. She is constantly rubbing the stump of her arm. I never got to ask her about it, I was trying to get her comfortable in our home before I asked what happened to her arm.

I guess I missed my chance, huh?

“No,” I whisper, a tear racing down my own cheek, “Darling, you’ll be ok, alright? Please…” I murmur off, sitting down besides Alex and grabbing her in a soft hug.

By that moment, everyone else was crowded by her bed and I looked off and quickly gestured for them to leave.

No. This can’t be happening. My little Alex, she’s mute.

*Le Time Skip. Y’all Should Be Getting Used To This.*

We all had been cleared from the hospital, and we’re heading to a very cheap motel to spend the night in. I was leaving because I had to go to the bank to see what they could cover and what they could not. I drop them off and rush over there; hopefully they’ll cover most of our possessions.

(Alex’s P.O.V)

It literally broke my heart, to see how Taylor responded to my being mute like he did. But, I have to be strong; I can’t let anyone else down.

For the first time in a very long, I got the urge to dig my nails into my skin. I was able to break out of the really bad habit for a while, but now it’s back. Unfortunately, I can’t do it, since most of the guys keep sending curious glances my way. I guess no one’s told them my decision. I decided it was time to tell them.

I got one of those handy-dandy little pieces of paper and pens out of the bed-side drawers they have in motels. I wrote in big bold letters, ‘I’M MUTE.’

I take a deep, shaky breath, gathering up the courage to get up and do this. I stand up and quickly walked over to Jordan, who happened to be sitting at the edge of the bed I was lying down on. I set the piece of paper carefully down on his lap and I took a seat next to him.

He looks down, confused, and gasps quietly. “You?” He whispers quietly.

I nod, and all of a sudden he pulls me into a hug and nuzzles his head into my neck, (A/N not like that way you perverts, like brother-sister.) “I’m sorry.” He whispers.

I get up, gently tugging Jordan’s arms off of me, and go to the next boy, Dakota. Then to Jerome, Mitch, Ian, Quinton. Quinton was the last to find out, and afterwards I quietly slipped back to my bed. I felt the eyes burning numerous holes in my back. I pull my knees up to my chest, and rest my forehead on my knees. All at once, there were so many questions. I felt my eyes getting heavy, and after a few minutes of struggling, I finally fell into a deep sleep, finally escaping for a while in my little sitting position.

I woke up a little bit, not opening my eyes, and feeling myself being lifted and being laid down underneath covers. I felt someone crawl in besides me, and half-asleep, I snuggled up to them and fell back asleep.


I’m the first one to wake up, and I decide to make use of this private time to take a quick 5-minute shower and to get ready.

After my shower, I quickly got re-dressed in the outfit I’ve been in since the house burnt down. What? It’s not like I was able to pack a suitcase before I left the house. I finger-combed my hair as well as I could, letting out a little moan when it poofed out all frizzy in its natural curls.

 I make my way back to my bed, and grab my IPod, which I luckily keep inside my purse, along with some headphones. I tip-toed over to the window, plugged in my earphones, and drowned out the world.


Well. this is a long-ish chapter and yeah. Let me know what you think should happen next in the comments below because honestly I have writers block. YAY ME!!! ITS SO AWESOME, not. 

Stay Strong, my Warriors<3 ~theSkyzwarrior

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