Orange Charred Pancakes... Yummy

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(Alex's P.O.V)

After Jerome and I's little conversation, I start to head back into my room. All of a sudden, I felt the weariness crash into me from staying up until 2 A.M. most nights. I collapse into my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

During my sleep, I had the weirdest dream ever. It was almost like déjà-vu, except it hasn't happened yet. All around me was red. A deep fiery red.

I shot up like a bullet from my bed. "It was just a dream, Alex, just a dream." I try to reassure myself.

I get up and stretch, shaking my head to get rid of its thoughts. I rush ad take a quick shower, and put my hair up in a ponytail. Struggling a little bit since I only had one arm. Was it only yesterday that I had to ask Nicole to put my hair up in a ponytail? Wow, time flies. It's actually a wider that no ones really asked me about my arm, maybe they want to give me space or something? I quickly throw on some shorts and a white tee with a black cat in it. I tip-toe out of my room, unsure if I was supposed to be out or not. Almost no ones doors were opened on the second floor, with the exception of one, so I'm going to assume that, that one person was calmly eating breakfast and not kidnapped by some crazy person. Actually, scratch that, I doubt anything here is calm in any way shape or form.

The smell of pancakes wafted up to me and I breathed in deeply. Smells delicious!!!! I run downstairs, following my nose, and ended up in the kitchen were Ty was cooking thousands of pancakes.

"Hey Ty!" I greet him as I walk in and hope up on a counter.

"Hey shorty, how's it going?" He (A/N idk if he's tall or not but lets pretend he is:) replies, focusing on his pancakes.

"I ain't short!" I protest, "And I'm doing alright, you?"

"Good and good. And yes, since I am a few centimeters taller then you, I'm allowed to call you 'shorty'." He looks up and smirks at me. Whilst he was enjoying his little 'victory,' a pancake burst into flames and that spread to all the other pancakes. But it didnt spread to anything other than the pancakes while Ty was smirking at me.

"Hey dood?"

"Yeah?" He asks, with his full attention on me.

"We havin' some charred pancakes this morning?" I ask curiously, making a little waving motion at the pancakes.

"OH NUUUHHHH!!!" Ty screams, "MY PRECIOUS, F-,"

"Hey no naughty words when I'm around," I say, waving my finger at him. Ty, meanwhile, isn't paying any attention to me whatsoever and makes a break for the orange nice, which happens to be the nearest liquid. Yummy, we now officially have orange juice-soaked pancakes. Perf combo, totes, right gurl? Every now and then you just have to let that sassiness out girl, aw yeah! I smile lightly to myself.

All the other guys quietly come downstairs, sorta like zombies, and take a seat at the table, waiting for the food. Mitch falls asleep a couple of times, luckily missing his glass of ice-cold water, and everyone has amazing bed-heads, so when they aren't looking I snap a picture of it with Ty's phone, hopefully he'll let me use it for blackmail, if needed!

After a few more minutes, Ty proudly presents his orange and charred pancakes. Everyone wakes up after smelling that gosh-awful smell and I swear that Jason gagged a little bit on the smell.

"What. The. Hell. Is. That?" Taylor slowly says, looking thoroughly disgusted with the morning's meal.

"Ty's cooking," Adam says, poking a pancake with his fork and it falls off the plate, which then results in: "IT'S ALIVE!!! EVERYONE TAKE COVER!!!!! Adam screeches, ducking underneath the table.

"Hey! You poked it with your fork! What else do you expect?" Ty says, defending himself.

"Better cooking," Adam mumbles, unfortunately not being quiet enough.

"I heard that," Ty glares at Adam, "In my defense, Alex distracted me!"

"I did nothing!" I gasp, "I've only been awake for like 2 minutes!"

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," Ty taunts me.

"Fine, I might've distracted him, but he called me shorty!" I say, pointing my finger at Ty.

"Children, children," Jordan glares at us, "Anyways, shut up, I'm hungry."

Wow, some of these guys did not wake up on the right side of the bed this morning!


Ok, for the updating I'm just going to try to update 5 days a week. Days will vary. Sorry for all the confusion!

Go check out my One-Shots! And please leave comments and suggestions and fashizzle like that! Bye Warrioz!


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