It's Time!!!!

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(Fluffy's P.O.V)

•~Le Skip of Le Tallying up of Le Votes~•

Finally, all of the doods turned in their pieces of paper and Taylor counted them up.

"So, who is it?!" Jason asks, bouncing up and down.

"I'm not telling you!" Taylor laughs, "You'll have to wait until we go up and get her!"

"That's some poop!" Dakota declares.

"Yup," Jordan agrees with Dakota, "You got that right."

Taylor left the room and went down to the main office, probably getting the papers and chiz all signed and stuff.

Right when the door close behind Taylor's back, all hell broke loose inside the backstage. I could make out snippets of conversations, like 'I wonder who it's going to be!" "I'm hungry." And lots of things along those lines.

Mitch cautiously gets up and walks towards me, trying to sneak around everyone's conversation and he breathes a huge sigh of relief when he finally reaches me.

"Biggums, you left like 20 minutes ago!" I say, throwing my arms up in exasperation.

"I know Biggums, I sorry!" Mitch cries out, reaching in for a Bro-Hug.

"It's all right! So, what's the big hurry over here?" I ask him sarcasm dripping from the word 'hurry.'

"Well, urm, who'd you vote for?" Mitch ask, scratching the back of his neck.

"Alexandra," I blushed.

"Aww, my Biggums had a crush!" Mitch yells.

"Keep it down!! Will you?!" I hiss at him, clamping his mouth shut with my hand which I then hurriedly moved it away and wiped it on my shirt; with Mitch smirking at me, "Who'd you pick?" I ask him.

"Same, she seems really nice," He replies and I nod, agreeing.

We stood there in comfortable silence, until Taylor came barging into the room like a mad elephant.

"I HAVE THE PAPERS!!" He shouts triumphantly.

"YAY!!!" Everyone else cheers back.

Taylor left, leading the way to the girl's room, and everyone followed.

I crossed my fingers, praying that we are going to Alexandra's room.

(Jason's P.O.V)

We finally got the girl's room number and tried to quietly go up, rather unsuccessful, it was rather hard. Why don't you try to go up and sneak nine teenaged boys up five flights of stairs? Yeah, that's what I thought! I chuckled to myself, I'm just hilarious... not.

Ty was the first one up to the foot, but being the pussy cat that he is, didn't want to knock. He kept trying to run to the back of the group, but all of us guys pushed him back to the for, all the whole he was whispering: "No. No. I fan. Don't do dis, don't do dis!!!"

We finally got Ty to stand still up by the door; he stood there for quite a while until Ian whispered-yelled at him:

"Get a frickin' move on!! Some of us are hungry here!"

Ty FINALLY, took about 15 minutes, lifted his fist to the foot and was about to know it when Quentin screamed:


Are. You. Serious.

Every single kid standing out there in that hallway turns around all at once, and Quentin the ultra-deluxe death glare. Quentin turned around innocently, like he had down absolutely nothing wrong and shrugged at us, "Well, at least she knows we're here!" He attempts to defend himself.

The door didn't open.

And didn't open.

And still didn't open.

"They must be deaf," Adam whispers.

(Nicole's P.O.V)

I'm so glad that our dorm rooms are sound proof.

(Jason's P.O.V)

For Pete'a sake, Ty, just fudging knock!!" Mitch complains, "My Biggums and I are hungry!"

"But... I don't wanna," Ty whispers as he tapped on the door with his knuckles super loudly and stepped back quickly.

The door opened, and there she was, Alexandra!!!!!!

(Alex'a P.O.V)

There was a knock on Nicole and I's front door whatever thing, and me, being the lazy butt I am, yelled at Nicole to stop being a lazy butt and go open up the door.

"PLEASE?!!?" I beg her.

"NEVER!" She yells back, giggling.

UGH, but I don't wanna," I moans, getting off my bed and answering the door.






It was Jason and his gang of friends and they looked about as shocked as I felt.

"H-Hi," I stutter slightly, "Can I help y-you?"

"Erm, yeah, we're ADOPTING YOU!!! Jordan shouts in my ear, looking like he was about to burst from happiness.

What. The. Fudging. Poop. Nuggets.


"Yup," Dakota confirms in complete happiness.

All the guys just sort of stood there and stared at me while I calmly and sophistically absorbed this news.

"IMMA GETTING ADOPTED!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!" I scream suddenly, running around in circles.


Hope y'all like it! Comment and tell me what I should do to make it better!

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