Warden Freeman

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(Alex’s P.O.V)

School has been going ‘ok,’ I guess. I mean, the popular girls have accepted me and were super nice to me until about a week or so ago. They’ve started to change. And to be quite honest I’m scared. I should’ve known better, popular girls don’t hang out with mutes. I don’t know what they’re going to do, but the worst they’ve done to me is giving me the cold shoulder for the last few days.

For some odd reason I’ve gotten into the habit of narrating my life while it’s happening. Like Warden Freeman. OH GOSH NO I’M TURNING INTO MORGAN FREEMAN… then again, it’s not that bad…

I smile to myself lightly, going back to staring out of my window, looking up at the beautiful stars in the dark sky. One of the pluses of living in Colorado is seeing the gorgeous stars. You can’t count them like I used to in Texas, and it’s beautiful.

I suppose it’s time for me to go to bed since it’s already 11:12, hey, what can I say? I wanted to make a wish, and I did, gosh dang it.

I crash into my bed, and slowly fall asleep with my thoughts. My thoughts are my friends. No one has really tried to get me to talk for a while now, maybe they’ve finally discovered that it’s bad if I talk… I smile again, drifting off into sleep-land.

*Morning Time at Breakfast*

I munch on my cereal, actually more like devouring it. It’s freaking chocolate cereal, it’s gonna be gone in seconds when you give it to me.

Jason came downstairs in only his sleep pants, and I blush a tiny bit, trying to hide behind my bangs. No, he doesn’t know how I feel. Yes, I wish I could tell him. No, I’m not going to talk to him. These boys have to gain some more respect from my perspective. Most of them have sort of just forgotten about me, with the exception of Jason, Jerome, and Adam. Those three always attempt to talk to me, even after four months.

“Hey,” Jason says, making my point in my head, “How’s it going?”

I shrug, not looking up as he makes his way to the table and sits next to me, pouring some chocolate cereal.

“ECK, WHAT THE DICKENS IS THIS NASTINESS?” Jason squeals like a girl after tasting the chocolate delicious that is le chocolate cereal.

I give him my best ‘What on earth dude this stuff is amazing,’ look. Which if I might add, is an extremely hard look to look? I don’t even know.

After Jason is finished with his cereal, with me just sitting on my phone waiting for the time to go to school, he gets up and looks at me, mumbling something underneath his breath.

For some reason I became a cat.

Not an actual cat, *mad hatter voice,* let’s not be ridiculous! I got insanely curious and you know that saying where it’s like, “Curiosity killed the cat?” Yeah, I was referencing that. Aw-yeah.

I sort of spider-man leap out of my chair and land right in front of Jason. I look up and make a motion for, ‘what did you say?’

“I guess it doesn’t matter because you won’t reply, will you?” Jason looks at me sadly, great. I’m about to lose another friend. One down and two to go. Note the sarcasm. “I said that I miss you. You’re not the same and I can’t do anything about it… it’s … it’s driving me insane. You need to let someone help you,” He says, quickly speed-walking out of that kitchen leaving me speechless. Then again I’m always speechless, ah, you know what I mean.

I guess what he said was true, they’ve tried everything. From trashing my room, to constantly annoying me, to even trying to break into my phone. They’ve asked questions about everything, like where my family was, why I didn’t have an arm, why I became mute.

I am a bad daughter. A single tear drops out from my eye, and I start to shake as I whisper quietly, “I’m so sorry.”

Little did I know that Ty was right behind that kitchen door, seeing Jason run out and just sort of chilling there to see how I responded.

What a surprise that I’m in for.


Well, um, yeah. I don't think this is a filler chapter. I'm pretty sure it's not. So... YAY ME. 

Y'ALL LISTEN UP. You see, I have this thing called a life:) I think my mom got it on Ebay if you want to get one, they're actually quite nice. In all seriousness, my school's starting in less than a week which basically means that I won't be updating five times a week anymore. I'll be trying as best as I can to update daily but it probably won't happen often but yeah. I TRIED MY BEST GUYZ. *Hides behind Ty.*

Ty: What on earth are you doing?

Me: Um, nothing *casually straightens shirt.* BAI GUYZ!

Ty: And drop a like if you enjoyed it! 

Me: You're annoying, are you always going to be here?

Ty: No, *smiles evilly* we've got a scheduale and everything. 

Me: NUUUU, GUYZ SAVE M- *gets abducted by Ty* 

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