Idk what to name this.. so chapter 12

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(Alex's P.O.V)

After all of the packing was done, my closet was barren, and my bed was stripped of all it's bedding, Nicole and I decided it was time to have dinner together.

Dinner wasn't that exciting, just the average scoop of soup and some veggies. Tonight's veggies are carrots. Carrots are the grossest thing known to mankind. I don't care what your opinion is, they are nasty, thus I didn't touch them one bit and gave them to Nicole who ate them happily.

Once dinner was done, Nicole and I headed back up into our room, and just sorta sat there for a while, in the comfortable silence that best friends can do.

I finally broke the silence, "Nicole, you are going to get adopted one day. You do know that right?"

"Yeah, at least I think so. I'm just worried I'll never have a family, I guess." She confessed to me, "You were my only piece of family," She said, her lower lip trembling a little bit.

"You will for sure always have me and someday you will have a family. After all, those boys who adopted me don't even know what they're in for; they adopted a girl with mental retardation!" I said, "They'll probably just put me back in the orphanage anyways after they get to know me."

"NO," Nicole yelled, suddenly standing up, "You do NOT think like that, they will love you, bunny, especially your personality!" She says to me matter-o-factly, running over to where I was and attacking me with a bear-hug that lands both of us on the floor, giggling like maniacs.

*Le Time Skip Because Le Me Can*

They were here.

It was time.

"I'm going to miss you so much, bunny! Promise to Skype and text me, ok?!

"Always!" She says, smiling at me, waving as I went out the door with my new family.

We all walked downstairs, in an awkward and yet comfortable sort of silence, and piled into the van.

Apparently the dudes were feeling sorry for me because Mitch automatically clambered on top of Fluffy, Mr. Fluff Puff, and I ended up getting my own seat next to the window, sitting next to Jordan. Luckily, Jordan didn't seem too interested in making small-talk, I had loads of thinking to do.

It was an hour long car trip to our new house, and during that time we mainly just listened to music, without talking, except for the occasional request for a song. Jason had apparently made a song, something called 'Eclipse,' I believe, and so that got requested by him about 50 thousand times so I now fully believed I now know the beats by heart.

When Taylor announces that we were about 10 minutes away from their home, my new home, I started having my own little mental breakdown. I was grinning like and idiot, just staring out the window, daydreaming about what my new home was going to look like. This was a first time in ages that I've felt this happy for this long, and I think it's a genuine happy, which is beautiful for a depressed girl like me. I usually never feel happy for more than a few hours at a time, and I feel like I'm just forgetting about bring sad, that the sadness will never leave. I've been depressed for a while, and I've no hope of ever getting better. No, I'm not totally suicidal, yes I self-harm, both physically and mentally. Physically with my blades and my nails. Mentally with my thoughts. I have demons inside my head.

I shook my head, trying to clear it of its dark thoughts, now was a time to be happy, and to forget about being sad.

Woah, we're here already! At my home. I have a home now!! That's such a mind-boggling thought! I quickly scrambled over everyone, even though I was way in the back, and got outside first. I just stood there for a sold 20 seconds, in the driveway, grinning like a mental person. The house was beautiful, there were lush trees, and the greenest grass you'd ever see. It almost looked like a cottage you'd imagine from a story-book, only bigger, but still cozy! It was beautiful.

My hands went over my mouth, and I started to year up. "Omygosh, omygosh," I quietly whispered to myself over and over again. Taylor came up behind me and asked;

"Do you like it?"

"No," I said shaking my head quickly and turning around to look at him. He looked crushed. "I LOVE IT THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!" I screamed with pure joy, jumping into Taylor's arms. He chuckled, being able to hold me with ease, and gave me a tight squeeze before he set me down.

"I'm glad you do."


•~So, congrats to Quentin for getting one million subs irl!!!

•~I also posted a story if you wanted me to make you a one-shot with a youtuber:) it's called "Minecraft Youtuber One-Shots" I know, creative right?

•~Imma now calling y'all Warriorz! Thanks to @pokemonandkillerfan for suggesting it!

Goodbye my Warrioz! Hope you guyz liked it!

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