Dakota and Ian

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(Jason’s P.O.V)

“Yes, it WAS!” Alex hisses at Jordan, and then gets this look of confused shock on her face, almost like she was scared of herself.

She immediately curls up into a ball, leaning into the back of the couch. She was muttering sorry over and over again. Why would such a beautiful girl like her think that the fire was her entire fault?

Everyone goes into automatic group hug, murmuring things to Alex. She looks up for a moment, with the look of a scared puppy on her face. She turns and faces me, nuzzling into my shoulder, sobbing her heart out.


She was like a freakin’ block of stone for the past 4 months. No emotions were showed at all, you were lucky to get a little glance of a smile. I haven’t heard her laugh in four long months. That was a long gosh dang time to without hearing her beautiful laugh. Yes, I have admitted to myself that I have a crush on her. Deal with it.

I embrace her, holding her tightly, hoping that it’ll be ok someday.

(Jerome’s P.O.V)

I sat on the chair the farthest away from Alex, where she was sitting sobbing into Jason’s shoulder. I wasn’t able to join the group of guys circling around her.


Because I was in shock.

It truly is scary how much a girl can hide if she puts her mind to it. The poor beautiful girl couldn’t pour out her feelings, just keeping them bottled up inside. You would’ve never guessed this is how she felt.

After a few minutes of Alex sobbing until she ran out of tears, straightening up, but not looking up. She was using her hair as a defense, not wanting to go through the flashbacks again.

Dakota, who happened to be sitting right next to her, made her face him, as he started to whisper in her ear.

I can see Alex’s eyes light up after a few seconds of listening, then she tackled him in a great big bear hug.

Can I be Dakota, please?

The embrace lasted for a good long while, with all of the other guys worriedly looking on.

Finally, Ian spoke up, in a timid voice to Alex, “I as well.”

Alex looks up fast, almost whacking the top of her head into Dakota’s chin. She looks at him, with eyes full of hope, almost like she’s asking, “Really?”

Ian nods slowly, ashamed of himself.

Alex patiently waits there for a second, looking like she was waiting for something important to happen. She kept pointedly glancing at Ian repeatedly, then at the boys. What the dickens was she trying to tell us? Apparently none of us got what she was trying to say and you can clearly see her heave a huge sigh.

She slowly got up, ending up on the floor, crawling towards Ian. She stood on her knees, staring at him for a few seconds, deciding something. She decided rather quickly, and grasped Ian in a big hug, and starts to whisper encouraging things in his ear. You can literally see Ian’s eyes gaining more and more hope, not looking dead anymore.

“I-Ian is g-good.” She announces, with a big stutter in her words. “D-Dakot-ta too.” She smiles warmly, a genuine smile, the first one I’ve seen from her in a while, at the both of them, before walking, stumbling a bit, back to her seat next to Ty and Jason.

She sits down, looking proud with her usage of words.


She deserves to feel proud.

Even if what only for a moment.


I've got nothing, do you Jordan?

Jordan: "Nope!"

Me: *mumbling* Well that's fine and dandy.

Jordan: I know!! Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed and be sure to drop a vote!

Me: That's my job!

Jordan: Haha! Too bad for you. *smiles sweetly at me*

Me: Screw you.

Stay strong my Warrioz <3 

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