The Not Typical Day in the Days of Me

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(Alex's P.O.V.)
Ack! Someone save me, I have math after this. Noooo, I don't wanna! But at least pizza for lunch today!
"Ugh!'" I groan, "Nicole, we have math next!"
Luckily, I have all my classes with Nicole, yeah buddy!!! Or else I would die, I just, me and sitting don't mix well!
"Yay!!," Nicole cheers, "Math is awesome! I love it!!"
Yeah, Nicole is just 'bout the exact opposite of me, like super-duper girly and loves math. I can't, brain-overload, how on earth can anyone even remotely like math! Oh well, still love her!!!
"FOR THE MILLIONITH BILLIONTH TIME, NOT-UH!!" I shout at her, keeping up the argument, yes! I are annoying. Smiley face!
But isn't that why no one wants to adopt m-? No, no Alex, don't think that. Be optimistic and chiz!
"YEAH-HUH!" Nicole shouts back at me, making me jerk out of my thoughts. I chuckled, I don't usually laugh a lot...
We walked into the classroom and take our usual seats by the windows, me struggling a little bit to put my bag o' books down on my desk, and then the bell rings, meaning Nicole and I just made it, too bad, could've made Ms. Pepper even more angry at us. Let's just say, last week was the best pranking week ever on Ms. Pepper!!

•~Le Skip of Le Boring Math Class~•

"I could've sworn that I died right in there, about a hour and a half ago! Need air!" I say as I fake gasp outside the classroom and Nicole laughed at me.
"But that was the most interesting one yet!" She replies, completely serious.
I give her the eyeballs of terror, there must be something wrong with her. Oh wait, of course there is, 'cuz she's my bestest friend ever!!!
Just then, an announcement came over the loudspeaker type things of whatever they're actually called:
"All 16-17 Year Old Girls Looking To Be Adopted Please Come To The High-School Office."
Nicole and I are mind-blown, it was super rare that kids this old were looking to be adopted! We started doing the full-out happy dance right in the middle of the hallway, lots of people gave us looks that say, 'Are you two retarded??' Why, yes, my friend, we are!
"Let's go, let's go, let's go!!!!" Nicole yells in my ear while she tugs on my sleeve.
We start running as our not-so-little-legs could carry us to the main high school office.
Once we got there we asked the old lady behind the desk were to go, because we, being Old, we've never had the chance to actually be adopted, just go be shipped away to foster homes.
"Where do we go?! Do you know?!" Nicole and I ask Mrs. Burns in sync; Mrs. Burns is the nicest lady on campus, which was saying a lot since all she does is glare at you.
"Yeeesssss,"answers Mrs. Burns in the most painful slow drawl EVER, "Head down the hall and go into the third door on your right; once you find it go in and wait for further instructions. This is also a special case adoption, meaning it's not the usual happy married couple looking to adopt."
"Ok!!" Thank you!" Nicole and I say in sync again; oh yeah, great minds think alike!
We race out into the hallway and carefully follow Mrs. Burns' instructions of where this place was, in the process we steamrolled a couple of kids and got yelled at 'bout 20 times. We got to the door, which was closed and when I looked through the little window it looks dark, too.
"Are you sure this is it?" Nicole asks me.
"Pretty sure, hopefully, maybe." I manage to stutter out. Man, I am sooo nervous, hopefully they'll like me! Whoever they are...
Nicole is the brave one and opens up the door and went inside first, I followed, after double-checking that I didn't hear any screams from her. Smiley face.

A/N listening to Eclipse on repeat, I LOVE THE SONG SO MUCH IT'S JUST LIKE.. I CAN'T, AND GUESS WHAT????? JASON'S MAKING A NEW SONG!!!!! FANGIRLING. Just a tad bit hyper today:)
Hope y'all like it!!

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