Maybe a Hug

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Dakota and Ian deal with the things that I deal with? This is amazing. After my little hugging fest with both of the guys, I head back to my seat. I sit there, quite content until I realize that I still had talking, or rather stuttering, to do.

None of the boys had attempted to make conversation with me yet, nor Taylor. Must be in shock that I can actually show emotion.

“W-what you-u want me-e to s-say?” I stutter out, wanting to get this gosh dang thing over with.

“Do you have blades?” Quentin asks, staring down at his shoes, almost as if he was ashamed of himself for asking that question.

“N-no blades. J-just my mind and m-y, m-y nails.” I answer honestly, “Scrat-ching doesn’t leave m-m-mark.” I explain quietly.

“Why was the fire your fault?”

“I started argument and-d distracted-d-d Adam-m.” At least my speech is getting better, I hope.

“About the eating disorder? Do you have one, you eat like a bird!” Jordan exclaims in a whisper-voice.

“No food at orphanage. Hard to get used to lots of food.” Great, I need to go retake Kindergarten English!

“What about your arm?” Ty asks, looking me straight in the eye.

“Crazy guy. Gun. Mum and dad died.” I say blantly. Not giving a fishizzle about my parents. “D-daddy hurt me. Mummy didn’t c-care, mummy wanted to… to….” I trail off, gulping back some more tears.

“To what?” Mitch asks me, totally sincere.

“Experiment. Hybrid.” I say, shaking. I get up and move over to Ian, him and Dakota now have my full trust. Ty, Adam, and Jason are half way there. Jordan and Quentin haven’t done much. Mitch was just sort of… there. Jerome and I used to talk a lot, but drifted away after the incident.

My head hung low after my last statement, not wanting to look up and see the look of disgust on their faces.

“How were you so happy? All of the time?” Jerome asks me curiously, probably wanting to get off of the last subject.

“Mental.” My eyes widen as I say the word. I was mental. My mind wasn’t right, I didn’t think the way others did. My mind worked differently. It saw things in a different prespective. I wasn’t normal. I clutch my head, trying to get rid of those gosh-awful thoughts.

Ian, whose lap I was invading, immediately took me into a hug, rocking me back and forth as I fought to get rid of those images. None of the other boys trying to do anything. They don’t care, they don’t like me. No one does. Who could love a girl with scares?

No one.

“It’s ok, it’s ok. You’re here with us, you’re safe. We’ll help you.” He murmurs in my ear, trying to reassure me. Desperately wanting to make sure that I knew that I had a home now, with people who love me.

“Truly?” I look up into Ian’s eyes, searching for any piece of evidence that he was lying. I found nothing.

“Pinkie promise.” Ian grins a little bit and took my pinkie with his, shaking it up and down like you would a handshake.

“I’m taking you to see a therapist.” Taylor announces abruptly, standing up and walking out of the living room in a hustle.


Freaking fantastic.

I don’t need a flippin’ therapist.

I need care and support.

Maybe a hug here and there.




Most people are just like yay I got 23k reads!!! 

And then there's me just like I HAVE 1K READS I'M FANTASTIC. Hehe...

Taylor: "Bit excited there aren't we?"

Me: "Aw yeah buddy!!"

Taylor: "Nice, anways, make sure to check out our other story "Minecraft Youtuber One Shots" and request some with me in it because I'm awesome!"

Me: *whispers* "that's what you think."

Taylor: *smirks* that's what I know. 

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