Hospitals Are Stinky

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(Jason’s P.O.V)

We were all immediately moved into the hospital after the fire last night. We spent the night there, and Taylor stayed up most of the night trying to find a new place to live. Luckily, most of the guys were able to grab their wallets, which were sitting by the front door, before we rushed out of the house.

We are all in the huge white hospital area which stank of hospitals, which stink pretty fudging bad. We each have our own little bed, along with a nightstand, which we could close curtains around our little bed area if we wanted some privacy. Most of the doods which sitting on each other’s bed and just talking. I’m sitting with Adam and Ty.

“Earth to Jason, come in Jason. Spaceboy. SPACEBOY!!!” Adam screeches in my ear.

“Hey!!” I say, rubbing my ear, “Was that necessary??”

“Yup,” Ty replies, popping the ‘p.’ “What were you doing off in wonderland, spaceboy?”

“Thinking, mainly about everything.” I reply.

Ty and Adam stay quiet, not wanting to remember the events of last night, which was what most of the other people in here were trying to do. With the exception of Taylor and Alex. Taylor was looking for houses and trying to figure out what valuables we lost, and Alex… Alex was in her private bed section. I haven’t heard her speak a word since we’ve gotten here. Probably just tired and wanted to get away from all the guys.

“I’m worried about Alex,” Adam says, as if he read my mind.

“Me too,” Ty replies, “She hasn’t spoken a word. Do you think she’ll be alright?” He asks no one in particular.

“LESSGO!!”Adam says, full of confidence. He grabs both of our wrists and dragging us over to Alex’s bed.

“Alex?” I ask her, not wanting to open the curtain.

“Wanna come out?” Ty offers.

No response at all.

“Can you at least open the curtain? I mean, it’s like 12 in the afternoon, it’s not the time to be taking naps!” Adam says, and with those words he opens up the curtains.

Alex was sitting there, peacefully listening to an IPod that must’ve been in her purse that she grabbed last night. She didn’t look up at all when we opened up her curtain, in fact, we didn’t get a response at all.

“Alex?” I tap her shoulder softly.

She jerks a little bit, and hurriedly takes off her headphones. Afterwards she sort of just sits there and sighs a soft little sigh.

“Alex?” I ask her in a flustered sort of way, you can tell that I’m getting worried. “Alex, are you ok?”

She looks up, with big soft brown eyes. She has mascara; at least, I think that’s what it’s called, running down her cheeks. She shakes her head softly.

“Hey, Alex, it’s alright, you can talk to us! We’re your friends!” Adam says all cheerfully, but you can tell he was getting worried, too.

She shakes her head again, and pulls her legs up to her stomach, and lays her head on them. After a second, her shoulders begin to shake a bit.

I immediately sit down beside her and hug her. I hug her with all I got but, she flinches. Almost like she was scared of my touch. I stand back up, “I’m not going to hurt you.”

She shakes her head in a ‘yes’ motion. Does that mean that she’s afraid of me?

“Pl-please talk.” Ty says, shaking a little bit, “Please?”

She shakes her head in a ‘no’ motion. Oh no. This isn’t good guys.

“Have you gone mute?” Adam asks her quietly. Please don’t shake your head ‘yes,’ please, please, please!

She shakes her head in the ‘yes’ motion, which in that second I can literally see her world falling apart. Hers and mine. The entire world.

I stand there, shaking my head no over and over again. I glance over at Ty and he seems like he’s dumb-founded. And Adam… Adam had a single tear, running down his cheek. I have never seen him cry before, only once, the day him and Dawn had broken up.

I didn’t know what to do so I call out, “TAYLOR!”


So, yeah. 

And FYI please check out my Minecraft Youtube One Shots and comment a thingiemabober!!! It'd mean the world to me! Plus, all feedback is appreciated :)

Stay strong, my Warrioz <3

 Also thanks for 320+ reads!!! I nearly died when I saw that!!!

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