Sleepless Nights #2

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(Fluffy's P.O.V)

After all was quiet, I snuck out of Mitch and I's room, I just need some fresh air and somewhere quiet to think. This house will rarely be quiet, since one of us will usually be recording and when we record, we do all out. If you stand in a range of 20 feet-plus of Adam when he's recording, you will go deaf. That is an absolute guarantee. He is the loudest person known to man. It's also been scientifically proven that if you listen hard, you can hear him from the other side of the U.S. when he's recording. True story!

I smile; a very faint one. I step outside, and take a giant breath of fresh air and make my way over to the bench that's by the fountain.

After a whole of me just thinking about life, I hear someone come outside as well. It's probably just Mitch, he probably woke up 'cuz he needed to pee like he does every. Single. Night. And he probably glanced over at my bed and got worried of where I got to.

"Mitch? Is that you, Biggums?" I call out softly, turning around.

"No," It replies, it must be Alex, sounds like a girl, I muse quietly to myself. "I'm Alex, what are you doing out here?"

She came over and took a seat next to me, "I could ask the same of you," I reply to her and chuckle a little bit, "I just needed to clear my head of some things. What about you?"

"I have a hard time going to sleep, but it's nothing serious like insomnia or anything like that," She replies quickly, trying not to worry me, I guess. "Hey, can I ask you a second question?"

"You haven't asked me the first one yet, though." I say, confused.

"I asked you one when I asked you if I could ask you a second question! That's a lot of 'asks'!" She giggles quietly. Man, her giggle is cute!

I laugh, "Ok, shoot!"

"Why do you go by 'Fluffy'?" She asks me curiously.

"Oh," I say softly. Oh no. I can't tell her, she won't like me. She'll think I'm weird. It'll be like middle school all over ag-.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," She says, sensing my hesitation, and breaking me out of my little panic attack.

I can do this, she deserves to know, she deserves to know. "I want to, it's just hard." I confess.

"Just pretend I'm Mitch!"

That's not going to help one bit.

I muster up my courage and let it out in one huge breath, "Ok, well, when I was little, I got teased a lot because of my name. I ended up hating it, despising it even. I never went by it, and I'm afraid that if I let people in too quick, then they're going to hate it, too. It's a really unique name, so my mom tells me, so I suppose that's why they did it." I start shaking a little, scared of what she'll think of me.

I can see her figure modding slightly, "Oh, so what is your real name?"

"J-Jerome," I say, my voice shaking a bit. I hate my name.

There was a few seconds of silence, then Alex whisper-yells; "That is such a cool name!!!!!!!!!"

I gasp a little bit, "Truly?" I ask her, wanting to make sure I heard that right.

"Truly!" She giggles, "It's an epic name!!"

My first reaction?

I turn around and bear-hug her, resting my head on her shoulder, "Thank you," I whisper.

"No problem, Jerome."

I blush a little bit, hearing her use my name.

Yup, this was definitely worth it. Now, all I have to do is make her mine.


Oooh snap gurl! Will she go for Jason or Jerome?? Team J or Team J? Lol, jk:)

Anywho go check out my one shots! It's just called Minecraft YoutubeOne Shots!

Bai my Warrioz!

My Broken LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora