Nicole (Almost) Beat Up A Guy

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(Alex'a P.O.V)

When Nicole said that she was not, under any circumstances, sitting on anyone's lap, Mitch totally flipped out and crawled over everyone, which resulted in loads of groans and swears, to reach the Fluffy. He then proceeded to sit down really hard and fast, looked painful, on Fluffy, which made Fluffy make a really weird sound, like a balloon slowly deflating.

I started chuckling loudly, Ty, who was right by the door, looked at me weirdly.

"Yeeessss?" I asked him, drowning out the 'yes.'

"You're chucking," He said matter-of-factly like everyone should know this fact.

"Yup, anything else?"

"B-but, girls don't chuckle, they giggle!" He protested.

"Well, this girl chuckled, and you, my good sir, giggle."

"I do NOT giggle!!"

Jordan, who was happened to be listening to our little conversation, decided that it was now time to chime in, "You do giggle, sorry Ty."

"Ha! See? There's your proof!" I said triumphantly.



That went on for several more minutes until we slowly stopped, it dawning on us that we were the only ones talking and that everyone else in the van was looking at us and laughing. I started doing my awesome chuckle and Ty did his special little man-giggle.

"Hey, Ty DOES giggle!" Dakota said in astonishment.

Ty heard that and turned beat red. "Well, she chuckled!" Which then me turn about 20 different shades of red.

Taylor was not happy about how long it was taking us to get I lunch, so after Ty and I's little 'incident' he shouted at us to get into the freakin' can and sit my butt down.

Well, this isn't good.

"But there's no other seats!" I protested, really wishing this van was bigger.

"I know!!!" Taylor groans, "Just go in and sit on somebody, sit on Jason, he's right there in front of you.

This isn't good, not at all.

I started grumbling underneath my breath and unwillingly got on Jason's lap and awkwardly perched on his knee. I glance over at Nicole and she shoots me a 'Sorry' look.

(Jason's P.O.V)

It's ok. Just keep your cool man, keep your cool.

Try to not look like your enjoying it.

(Alex's P.O.V)

The rest of the car ride was really awkward, at least for me, but at least I didn't wear a dress like Nicole did! That would have been absolutely terrible, just about the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me.

*Le Skip of Le Rest Unimportant Car Ride*

Taylor parked, and as soon as the car stopped I bolted out of the car, brushing myself off. Glad that's over with!

I glance over at Jason and he sort of has this hurt look on his face. Probably didn't want to get up. Typical boy.

Nicole walked over to me and said, "Aren't you excited?! I wonder what the food they have here is like!"

Nicole, like me, is 17. She was able to go to a restaurant and she went to Subway. She loved it there because she said that you got to pick whatever you wanted on you sandwich. I love sandwiches, they're delicious!

"Yeah buddy!! Lets go and get the first in line!" I said, running inside.


Hope y'all enjoyed it!

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