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"Well, that was a long flight," Kaspar comments as we are walking into the airport. 

"I seemed to enjoy it," I reply. 

"Yeah, because you slept for the entire plane ride," Cam exclaims and we hear a crack. He groans. "My shoulder hurts so much."

We all go to the uber we had arranged. It was a quiet drive as it was night time here and I sure am jet lagged. Taking advantage of this, I fall back asleep. After a while, we've reached home. I feel a poke on my cheek. I wake up to see Kaspar poking my cheek with his finger.

"We arrived," he smiles. 

He helps me get out and I see that the luggages are near the doorway. Cameron unlocks the door with the key and we all head inside with our things. 

"Is anyone hungry?" Cameron asks.

I mumble, "Yeah, but isn't it late?"

"We can use my car to head off to McDonald's."

"Please take me there," Kaspar clings onto my brother like if there was no tomorrow.

"As you wish Wiz," Cam salutes Kaspar and we all head to McDonalds.

Wiz is a nickname Cam has for Kaspar since Kaspar's name seems to remind him of a wizard or something. I find it pretty cute how they're both close. Normally a girl's boyfriend and her brother either don't get along or hide under a nutshell. I'm glad they're both close or else it would've been awkward and horrible.

The drive through was only open at this moment since it's late. So, we ordered our midnight snack and head back home. Once we were home, we eat our food and talk about we want to do during the summer. I already got my plan which is to hang out with Cameron, Ethan and Heather. I need to catch up with them as it's been two years since I've last see them.

Once I finished eating, I go straight to my room. It's left the same way as it has been since I've last been here. I lay down in my bed as I'm so tired at the moment. I close my eyes and I fall asleep.

The next day, I wake up to many messages from my friends back home. 

Hey I miss you already

Have fun in the US bby

Don't forget about usssssss

I reply back to their messages. There's more messages from other people saying something like that. I cannot believe people miss me already. It's like I'm famous or something. I go on Twitter and look at my timeline for a bit.

I get up from my bed when I trip on something, or should I say someone. I look down to see Kaspar sleeping peacefully on the air mattress next to my bed. I kneel down and I push his hair back a bit so I can see his forehead. I kiss his forehead and I get some clothes from my luggage and I go take a shower. 

I stay in the shower for about fifteen minutes, just thinking about things. I was thinking what could go down while being in NJ, if my friendships with Heather and Ethan will end. I mean who knows what can happen. After thinking, I take my actual shower and wash my hair and body. When I finish, I get out and I start to get ready in the bathroom since Kaspar is probably still asleep. I put my hair in the towel and I wrap it so my hair can dry a bit.

Once I'm done, I walk out and a few seconds later, arms are wrapped around my waist. I turn to see Kaspar and he immediately kisses my lips. I feel the same sparks I've felt since I've fallen for him each time I'm with him and they get more intense when I kiss him. His breath tastes minty, meaning he probably used the other bathroom to get ready or something. I kiss him back with so much love and then we pull away. He pecks my lips one more time.

"Good morning beautiful," he says in a delightful morning voice.

I've heard of his morning voice as he'd call me when I wake up sometimes and compliment me. He's such a sweetheart, I'm so glad to be with him.

"Good morning sunshine."

"Cameron is taking us out to lunch."

With confusion, I ask,"Lunch?"

"Yeah. It's like eleven in the morning."

"Wow, I can't believe for a long time. How are you coping with the jet lag?"

"I still feel a bit tired, but it'll be gone soon."

"That's g-" I was interrupted by a knock.

I open the door to see Cameron, Ethan, and Heather. I hug them tightly and I get so emotional seeing them. 

"I see you saw your surprise," Chris says as he comes downstairs. Cameron comes with the keys.

Cameron ecstatically says, "let's head off to lunch!"


how was the first chapter? I know it sucks, I'm so sorry. Thank you so much for the positive feedback you gave me on the preface, it really means a lot! I didn't expect that many people to read and vote for it. 

8 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter.

Grayson will come soon, don't worry!

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