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The car ride was silent. The silence was so tense, a dagger could cut through it. Cameron respected my silence and didn't say anything at all. I was here crying and using up the tissues Cameron had in one of the car compartments. Staring out at the window as my tears are non-stop rolling down my cheeks. It'd be great if it was raining, it would've made this situation way better.

We get to the hotel that's in New York City. Yeah, Cameron decided to bring me to the one that's in NYC. He decided last minute to swap the hotel into a different location. He believes it'll definitely give me good space and to enjoy the city view. Therefore, it'll be a good two days for me, I think.

Cameron still remains silent. He sighs and looks at me.

"Ella, heartbreak is painful, it's something most of us experience. You're always the person who wants to see others happy, and never want to be the rain on a parade. I know it's hard that you had to leave Kaspar because of how much he loves you, even though you no longer return those feelings. He's going to be alright, his future wife is out there. You're going to find the right guy, even if it happens to be Grayson. But always remember, I'm going to be there for you no matter what. You'll always be my sister."

I nod and we get out of the car. I get my bag out and we enter the hotel building. Cameron checks me in and gives me the room key once the clerk hands it to him. He walks me to the elevator which brings me up to the room where I'm going to be staying at.

"Thank you, Cameron. For everything." I go and hug him tightly.

He kisses my forehead and keeps me in his embrace for a little while. It's just him and I against the world in this moment. He and I let go and I open the room key to the hotel room. We both walk in. I plop my bag on the floor.

"Ella? Please, don't stay in here for the two days. Go out tonight. Go out all day tomorrow and explore the beauty of New York City. Take in the atmosphere of Manhattan and conquer the day. It'll make you feel better, and please put away the business of vengeance on hold. Your heartbreak is what needs to be taken care of first. I'll see you in a couple of days."

He hugs me one more time and kisses my cheek. He exits my hotel room and the door closes. Silence is what meets me after. I go to bed and take out my laptop to watch some shows on Netflix. About ten minutes into the show, I turn off my computer. Thinking about what Cam said, I go and stand in front of the window, and see the beauty of the city that never sleeps. I look at my bag. Picking it up, I take out my camera. Taking my room key, I exit my room and go down the elevator. I go to the clerk at the desk and ask,

"excuse me, do you by any chance know the closest way to get to the nearest coffee shop?"

After receiving directions, I thank the clerk and I walk out to where I'm going. After almost getting lost in a herd of people, I found the coffee shop. Walking in, I take the scent of the caramel flavor that's in the store. Ordering a caramel macchiato, I look around to see what people are doing. Some are on their laptops, others are just on their phones, some are with a friend or a significant other. When my name is called out, I thank the person handing my coffee and I go sit at a corner where I can get a nice a view of the city. I take a photo of my drink since it looks so beautiful. Sitting and taking in the beautiful setting, my hands bring the cup to my lips. Sip after sip, I fall in love with the way the macchiato was made.

After drinking the caramel macchiato, I place the cup in the container and walked over to the cashier to ask how do I get to Times Square. I don't feel like using Siri since I feel like that'll drain my battery even more. I walk for a couple of blocks until I stand in the middle of the beauty. I look at the posters and the plasma tv screen. The buildings and the lights illuminate the city in this evening. Something that caught my attention was the ball that was dropped in the beginning of the year when the clock struck twelve on New Year's Day.

Grabbing my camera, pictures and memories are being snapped onto a SIM card. I take some photos on my phone to upload on my blog. I get a buzz on phone to see I received a message from Grayson.

So what are you up to?

just at the city hbu?

NYC?! I'm jealous! I haven't gone there in years since I hardly have time to do so. I'll let you enjoy the beauty of it, I'll talk to you later. Don't forget to take photos.

I send him a photo of my hands doing the peace sign in front of the building that I took exclusively for him. Of course, it was a bit hard to stick my fingers out in front of my camera and also get a good capture of Times Square.

Walking around and savoring the moment, I feel my problems were fading away. If only this moment will last forever. After standing around for a while, I realize that it was getting late, and I should get a good night rest. Finally using Siri, I get the directions back to the hotel. Once I'm back at the hotel room, I start messaging Cam ad Grayson while editing the photos I took. Posting one on my blog, I caption it:

New York City, please go easy on me tonight.


happy new year everyone! I am back after a mysterious m.i.a. due to an ugly writer's block. you guys can thank Kaspella's break up from last chapter for that. thank you all so much for being patient with me, you all are truly amazing.

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