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Behind the story of Catfish and Remorse:


In September 2015, there was someone from my past who my Internet friends and I assumed was a catfish. We had gathered up information to see whether or not it was true. While gathering information, I was talking to one of my friends (via video chat) and I was joking around saying, "I'm going to write a novel called How To Catch A Catfish," and would be like Chapter __ and give a random title name. I even called myself a drowning fish since that was my author name I made as a joke. Well there, I was actually starting to become a fan of the twins and decided, hey why not make a story with a catfish, especially since there aren't a lot of stories written around that subject.


Why is it when I think of that story I think of "Sorry" by Justin Bieber? The world may never know. Remorse is about making things right, and that everyone is human and makes mistakes. It also talks about the hidden insecurities and activities someone may do in your absence as they're trying to stop craving someone they desire to be with. Sometimes things may not be meant to be, but if they are, it will find their way around.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much for taking the moment to read this story. Thank you for the patience and tolerating some of the characters in the story. It means a lot that you've been with me since October 2015 when I began Catfish. I am truly blessed to have amazing supporters like you guys. Though Graysella's adventures are over, my writing journey is not. New projects will be up soon and I hope that you'll be there to support. Thank you all so much once again. 

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