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Day two of New York City, and trying to avoid Kaspar at all costs. Luckily, I finally got to see the sunrise here. It looked truly beautiful, and I managed to capture it on my Polaroid. After going to sleep until nine in the morning, I decided to get up on my feet and walk around. Walking to Washington Square Park, I spotted a fountain and snapped that beauty. Then, taking a bus, I head towards Central Park where I head inside the zoo.

Walking into the zoo, I decided to go on Snapchat and take some photos of my adventures there. One of my favorite things happens to be animals. I've always wanted to become a veterinarian and help out those cute little creatures. I have to choose what I want to major for uni in the fall since I'm heading off to uni. Kaspar and I had our hearts set on the same place, but only he got accepted in. Good thing, because how awkward would it be to see your now ex on campus?

After the whole zoo trip, I go into an ice cream shop. I order a lemonade and a blueberry ice cream. Let me tell you, this ice cream is hands down an amazing ice cream. I sit around, contemplating my entire life. I go to my blog feed and update my status on how I'm enjoying my last day in New York City. I go through Grayson's feed and see him reposting stuff on love. If only he knew that his long lost girl is right in front of him.

I don't get why I must do a whole parade just so he knows it's me. But then again, he deserves it for what he did to me years prior. I know he must've learned his lesson and all that fun stuff, but he's gotta pay up for what he's done to me. I trusted so much in Bianca, just to find out it was a whole false friendship. Yeah hi, remember me? The girl you backstabbed a couple of years ago just because you irked her?

I check my phone to see if Nev or Max messaged me. Wow, I'm glad I did because I received a couple of messages.

When do you want to get this cranking?

I'm talking to him. 

How about me wanting to request collaboration for a photo project?

Hm.... that doesn't sound bad.

Do you want to meet up this week?

Yeah, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. When do you want to?

Anytime when you're available, since you know our location is in NYC

Okay, how about this afternoon after I check out of my hotel?

How does today at 5 sound?

Sounds good to me!

Alright, we'll see you there.

Enclosed after that email was their address. I go back to my hotel room and I start packing my things up. I leave a tip for the housekeepers and text Cam how I'm going to stay in NYC for another couple of days so I can plan with Nev and Max my next move on Grayson.

Once I get the approval, I get a text message from Cam that he will send the payment to whichever hotel I wish to stay at. Seeing that it was three, I go to a hotel that's near Nev and Max's location and check in there. Cam already beat me by calling the hotel and paying for another two days. Once I drop my things off, I go to a boutique and I buy a couple of clothes to wear. Thank God my bags weren't filled up all the way. While doing so, I bought Cam and Chris a shirt I thought they'd like.

Going back to the hotel and dropping off what I've bought, I head to the address Nev and Max sent me. I managed to take some photos and upload them onto my Snapchat story. Remembering that I haven't gone on Twitter for a couple of days, I go and tweet a couple of photos that were released of the boys. I wish One Direction would reunite once again, that'd be really heartwarming for me.

Reaching the destination, I find a nearby store and I order a large lemonade since it was a long walk I had to do. I find the room they're in thanks to their secretary. A couple of knocks later, the door opens to Nev and Max, and a couple of cameramen.

We greet each other and we of course hug. They tell me to come in and of course, they ask me where's their lemonade.

"I'm sorry! It was a long walk, I didn't know if you wanted something." I exclaim.

"Nah, don't worry we're joking," Max comments. "So, what's the scoop with you and Grayson?"

"It's alright. I think I'll message him right now?"

Hey, I'm wanting to collaborate with someone for a photo project.

Are you up for it?

Yeah, definitely! When should we collaborate?

"When should we do this?" I ask.

"Sometime next week?" Nev suggests.

"Next Friday, to be exact," Max adds on.

"Sounds good!" I agree.

How does next Friday sound?

Next Friday is perfect.

Great, I can't wait to see you there.

"And send," I say out loud. "So, now what?"

"Now we wait," Nev replies.

I go to my contacts list and I dial Cameron's number.


"Hey Cameron," I say onto my phone.

"How's everything going?"

"It's alright, how have you been?"

"Good, good thank you for asking."

"So Cameron, I wanted to let you in on something. Next Friday, Grayson thinks we will be collaborating on a project for my blog when in reality, he will be catfished. I wanted to let you know since I want you and Ethan there. I want you to call Cam and Chris and tell them to not make plans for that day."

"Thank you for telling me! I honestly cannot wait to see him get a taste of his medicine."

"No problem. Hey, I gotta go now and continue with the whole planning, but we'll talk later!"

"Alright. Have a great evening."

"You too."

I click end call and I look at Nev and Max.

"So, how does it feel that this special is a person out to catfish someone, rather than catching one?"

Nev comments, "it's very exciting, I hope the fans enjoy it. I mean I know how some people may say don't take revenge, but I think it's going to be a nice surprise for Grayson, don't you think so Max?"

"I- I definitely agree." 

"So, how about that lemonade?" I offer. "My treat."

"Let's go!"


so junior year is over and senior year is on it's way. i literally am lacking inspiration on this story, so if you all have comments, suggestions, or something - please do so!

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