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"So charming," I reply to Kaspar as he gets me an ice cream.

It's been a few hours since we've strolled around town. We're still not tired and we don't want to go home yet. The places I've taken Kaspar mostly had to do with what role it took in my life. New Jersey has a huge part in my life and I'm glad I can share it with someone I love.

"Anything for you," he replies and kisses my cheek.

I cringe at the contact of ice cream on my cheek. "Gross. Kaspar you know I don't do sticky stuff on my face," I whine.

He licks the ice cream and once again, I have the look of disgust on my face. "Sorry, your royal highness."

"Still gross, but better than having sticky things on my face."

"Alright. Now that the princess has finished her fussy time, take me to the next place."

I hold up my finger to signify one second. I finish my ice cream and I throw the napkin to my ex-boyfriend, known as the trashcan. I love saying that, even though I don't have an ex. I probably never will anyways. Kaspar knows what will happen if he breaks up with me.

I grab onto his hand and we continue walking around town. We, or shall I say I (since I'm the one who's picking out the places), head off to the pier. I love the pier in all honesty. It's where I can come to think, and also where I clear my mind, when I'm down in the dumps.

Whilst Kaspar had decided to go a different way to take photos, someone familiar comes up to me. I'd walk away but then I remember my talk with Ethan this morning. Well, looks like I have to take an alternative. I don't actually think he will recognize me since I've changed up my appearance a bit. 

"Such a lovely place isn't it?" he speaks.

Yes, he happens to be Grayson. I bet if I told everyone I know about this, they would figure it out automatically it's him. He's literally the only one I'm hiding from.

I keep on looking at the water. "Yes, it is," I reply, faking a thick, British accent.

I learned how to pick up a British accent thanks to me being surrounded by a lot of Brits for two years. Sometimes, I'd slip into it without noticing. 

"I know this is weird of me asking, but are you visiting from Britain? I'm sorry if I'm wrong, b-but I was assuming you are British since you know," he trails off awkwardly.

"It's alright. And yes, I am visiting from Britain for the summer. I wanted to be in Jersey for this season, to take a break from the rain. By the way, your assumptions are correct."

"Wow, that's so cool. So what brings you here to this pier?"

I decide make conversation with him. I don't want to go away in a hurry automatically. Me leaving quickly will probably drop hints or something. So instead, I'll play it cool. "I just like the idea of listening to the calming waves and to not overthink about things in life. To you know, listen to the tides wash away your worries temporarily. What about you?"

"It just reminds me of great memories in my life. Before I decided to screw up completely."

"May I ask, is it because of something in your circle of friends?"

"Well she wasn't necessarily my friend as she found me annoying," he chuckles and I laugh along with him. "But she meant a lot to me. I thought it would be a good idea to get to know her, but she did not know the real me as I wa-. It's complicated, in all honesty. But she was indelible with the idea that I was annoying and rude. Like those teenage guys back then when they're starting to reach the age of puberty. I haven't seen her in years and this pier reminds me of her as she loved it."

"Do you think you'll ever see her once more?" I ask.

"I don't think so. She hasn't contacted either my siblings or I since she went off to another country."

Oh, if you only knew I was in front of you.

He continues on. "I know this is weird asking  you this, but what part of Britain are you from?"

"I'm from Bristol," I lie. "Why?"

"I thought that if you lived in London, you might've known her."

"Well, London is a large place so either way, I may not know her."

"Each day, I just keep hoping she'll come back. Ever since she walked out of my life, I've missed her. Either way, I doubt she understands the reason of my actions and decisions."

"Well, you never know if you don't try. Maybe she'll come back one day."

"I hope so. I'm still waiting for the day I see her face again. I thought I saw her a few days ago outside this restaurant my friends and I often go to. Turns out, it might've been a hallucination. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks of me like how I do with her." 

My phone buzzes and I see it's from Kaspar. 

Hey I finished taking some cool photos. I'm currently near this 'drug store.' Do they actually sell actual drugs there cause if they do I'm going to find another spot so you can find me?

I love my boyfriend, but sometimes he's an idiot and a killjoy without noticing. I sigh and put my phone away.

"What's wrong?" Grayson asks.

I have to come up with a lie. He can't know I have a boyfriend. Well I mean he can, but what if he realizes it's me later on and thinks I'm cheating? 

"I've got to go. My brother's being annoying and I'm probably going to get in trouble if I don't go to this restaurant on time," I say with a bit of irritation.

"Alright. I don't want to let you get in trouble."

"It was nice talking to you," I turn around and I start walking away quickly, looking up a bit. Grayson didn't really see my facial features as I kept on looking at the water the entire time.

"You too, stranger."


I hope you enjoyed this Graysella moment. I'm so sorry for not updating as often, I had midterms and I've been starting to be busy and yeah.

Quick question: would you guys read a story I write if it was based on Once Upon a Time with like a twist or some sort? I honestly want to do it but I don't know whether to use Ethan or Shawn or both. Let me know here!

11 votes and 6 comments for the next chapter.

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