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The fact that Grayson and I just talked without him knowing me, well that was not bad. I cannot believe I took an alternative in Ethan's plot from earlier today. From the bottom of my heart, I actually liked that conversation I had with Grayson. Except, I didn't like how I had to lie to him about my identity.

Besides, he thinks I am probably not coming back to New Jersey. But little did he know, I was right in front of him. Grayson has gotten gullible since I've left. Well, that's one thing for sure. But why would he tell me about the girl? He could've stopped at that it reminded him of the girl. Instead, he went further, in depth.

I was startled when Kaspar had wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Whoa, Kaspar you've scared me," I say, as I snap out of my thoughts.

He chuckles and apologizes for scaring me. "You know, this place has pretty good places and things to take pictures of. Although, I don't have a favorite photo yet."

I look at him weirdly and I hear a click. My eyes go wide and I attempt to cover the camera. Once Kaspar finishes his photo session with me, he starts to review the photos. He shows a photo and says, "this has got to be my favorite photo I've taken."

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we start walking toward the busses. We decided we were going to head to the movies to watch some movie that involves 3D glasses. Kaspar wants to get a pair of them so he can poke the lenses out, and you can figure out the rest. I honestly hope he does not turn into Jacob Sart-however you spell it. He's some famous kid who honestly scares me to death. Kaspar uses that against me all the time.

During the bus ride, I started thinking about Grayson. What would've happened if he recognized me or found out it was me? How would the conversation have gone? Most of all, how would I have reacted. Having a conversation with him not knowing it was me was easy. But how come it's harder talking with him as myself? Grayson acted like a completely different person while talking with me.

I obviously know he was talking about me. I mean I'm like the only girl who he was so intrigued. Unless, he's talking about someone else who's moved out of the country. Now that I think about it, this is pointing to two directions. It's either about me, or someone else.

Can't wait for Ethan to hear what happened today. I bet he'll be proud of me interacting with Grayson. Maybe Cameron will be more prouder than Ethan. I mean Cameron wants me to talk to him. But she didn't say I had to talk to him as myself. 

"Hey Kaspar, is it alright if I ditch the movie? I need to do something at home," I ask.

"Yeah, it's alright. Besides after this, I was thinking about watching a horror film, and I know how you're afraid of them."

Truth is, I'm not actually afraid of them. Kaspar assumed I was when we first met (face to face, that is) as we headed to the movies every month. So, I went along with it. But I watch the terror in his face as he watches them. I've stepped foot in watching horror movies but I pretended to be scared so he won't suspect. I love seeing his reaction while he's watching. However, this time, I need to skip because I need to talk to Cameron.

I got off the bus near my house and I started walking home. Before leaving, I told Kaspar to get off at this stop that I got off once he was done. Once I reached the driveway, I saw that Cam's car wasn't there. This means I had the house to myself. Wonderful! 

I head inside since I had the key with me and I call Cameron and Ethan to come over. In about half an hour, I hear the front door knocking. I check to see who it was. I open the door to see both of the people I wanted to see in front of me.

"Hey, thanks for coming!"

"Where is Cam and Kaspar?" Ethan asks as they enter in.

I close the door and say, "Kaspar is at the movies, and Cam, I don't even know."

I drag Cameron up to my room since she will be the first to know, even though deep down, I feel like it should be Ethan. Before leaving, I yell at Ethan to not eat my stash of my teddy bear graham crackers.

"So what's up?" Cameron questions. "Since you clearly didn't interrupt me watching Once Upon A Time." She sniffles dramatically. "Thank you for killing my happiness. You are sure a Regal Mills stan."

Cameron has an obsession with Once Upon A Time. She literally lives for that show and ships Captain Swan, hardcore may I add. I like that show, but I'm not that obsessed like how she is. I happen to be a huge fan of Regina Mills.

"I'm sorry, you can watch it here once we're done with my story time." She urges me to continue on. "I saw Grayson, and I talked to him."

"What?!" She asks. "Okay please explain."

So I went on with what happened today, not missing out any detail.

"And, he didn't recognize me at all," I add in at the end.

"Hold up. So my youngest brother did not recognize that he girl he's been missing was standing in front of him. I thought he was starting to get smart, but no, he's still that stupid. But then again, you've changed in over two years."

"But I think I should like refrain myself a bit. As much as I want to talk more, I can't."

"Carabella, are you stupid?! Yup, you are sure made for Grayson alright."

I was astonished at Cameron using my actual first name. Out of my circle of friends, only Cameron, Chris and Grayson know about my name being Carabella. Believe it or not, Kaspar doesn't even know my full name. The reason why I am called Ella was because Carabella was just a long name for me. So to make it easier, I decided to stick with Ella. Also, I can find Ella on customized keychains and mugs.

"I don't even know what I a-"

I hear something, or someone fall outside my door. I look at Cameron and realize, we've been eavesdropped.


who do you think eavesdropped on their conversation?

16 votes and 12 comments for the next chapter.

thank you all so much for 800 followers on here, it means so much to see that people are interested in my stories. 

song of the chapter: perfect (stripped) - one direction.

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