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"Woke up this morning, I had no muffins, no milk.." my phone blares as I am showing the girls a video. 

I decided to show them the sad song that Nick Grimshaw and Shawn recorded while at BBC radio. Cameron and Heather were laughing hysterically at the creativity of the song. 

"This needs to be on iTunes," Heather says in between laughs.

After going to the ice cream shop, we walked around town. Then, we decided to head to a restaurant where they sell pretty good burgers. I was craving a burger and therefore, we are here. So now, we're currently watching Shawn's video since we're finished with our food. The video pauses and we look at each other weirdly since this place is supposed to have good wifi. Then, Kaspar's contact name comes up and my ringtone goes off.

I roll my eyes and I pick my phone up.

"I was listening to the sad song," I say a bit mad.

"Well hello to you too, sweetheart," Kaspar replies.

"What's up?" I ask him and I take a sip of my cola.

"The boys want to know where you three are as they're pretty worried. Mostly for you."

"Not true," I hear Ethan yell in the background.

"Okay I'm mostly worried for you," he mutters into the phone.

I tell Kaspar the restaurant name and to not worry since we're alright. I started explaining how we decided to eat here. 

"Well that cancels our trip to the buffet," I hear Chris say.

"Don't let us stop you, go on ahead to the buffet," I suggest.

"Alright. Don't miss me too much babe."

"I won't."

He gasps dramatically. I laugh and I hang up. Typical Kaspar. What would I do without this boy?

"What did your boy want?" Cameron asks.

"Nothing really, he just wanted to know where we were. They were planning to take us all to the buffet but since we're already here, we can knock ourselves out."

Heather requested our designated waiter to get us more fries. A few minutes later, he comes back with our fries. These fries are so good, I swear. We decided to stay here until probably closing time. We'll probably have the boys come pick us up when we're out during closing time.

"I'm so glad we're away from the boys for a bit."

"Kaspar and Ethan are probably worried over us."

"Yeah, true."

After a while, we decided to head back in the town we're currently in for a bit. We didn't want to be in the same restaurant for a long time. We could be doing more things for the time being. There's so many stores here so we planned to head to stores that we found interesting. Luckily, we all had more than fifty dollars with us. We decided to take a walk and go shopping while we're at it. If that makes sense.

There were so many cute stores and I could probably get more clothes to make me more "aesthetic." I mean my feed is like those grunge people you'd find on social media. I know, mainstream. But I have a decent feed, at least. 

We girls gave each other fashion advice and helped each other pick out clothes that we thought would look best. I decided to buy a shirt for Cam, Kaspar, Ethan and Chris. I'm so nice, I swear. The girls helped me pick out on Cam's shirt since I didn't know which one would look best on him. After shopping, we found a photo booth and decided to head in. We took many photos together and printed them out in the end.

I decided to text Kaspar while Heather decided to get something for Ethan since I wanted to see how he's doing. Hopefully he and Ethan are getting along. I don't them being rude to each other while I'm not around but Cam and Chris got this. I hope this summer is going to be the best.

Then, once it started getting dark, we headed back to the restaurant and ordered more food. We were sharing funny videos to each other and some posts that we found. It's honestly so amazing to call them my friends. I just hope that one of these days that I can find Delaney in the nearby future. I cannot believe she just disappeared out of nowhere. It just isn't her to do that.

"Do you by any chance kn-"

Cameron interrupts me by saying, "shoot."

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You are going to take the exit near the back since people hardly take it. I forgot Grayson was going to be here tonight with a few of his friends. They just came in." 

I look at Cameron with wide eyes. I cannot face Grayson. It's too soon. 

"What are you waiting for? Move!" Heather exclaims loud for only Cameron and I to hear. 


Well, Grayson came in the picture. Comment what do you think is going to happen now that they're in the same building.

I hope you all are enjoying the sequel! I don't know why but I feel like this chapter sucks but oh well.  

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