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Next chapter will be an interlude in Grayson's point of view. There will be a couple of these. They're just thoughts of Grayson's so you can see how he's feeling while this is all happening. Whenever there is an interlude, you will see an A/N before the chapter prior to it.

Two days later, I was in my room getting ready for the party. I'm honestly pumped for this party as I finally am going to be at a place where I can meet up with people and let go of things. Cameron and Ethan are coming to pick me up in about thirty minutes. So as I'm waiting for them to show up, I decided to go on Netflix and watch How To Get Away With Murder. It's such a good show. I swear, someone needs to take this site away from me.

As I got to the second episode of season two, Cam yells out that "my squad pulled up." I get out of my room and I hug him goodbye. Kaspar comes up to me after Cam and I hug and puts his lips on mine. I wrap my arms behind his neck and I pull him closer. I was pulled back by someone and I turned around to see Cam.

"Hey, that's my sister you're smooching in front of me," Cameron points out to Kaspar.

Kaspar with red coming to his face says, "right. Sorry about that."

"It's alright, besides I know you're a good kid and won't try anything on her."

I hug Kaspar and kiss his cheek. "Take care at the party," he says to me. He kisses my forehead and after he does that, I head to Cameron's car.

"Hey, hey, hey," Ethan exclaims.

"What's up Ethan?" I holler to him as I get in the car.

Cameron turns to me and says, "you're slaying tonight."

I blush and thank her for the compliment. The car ride to the party was pretty fun as Ethan and I were belting out the lyrics to whatever songs he put on. I look at the window as a song that I don't know is currently playing. There are many trees, as we are going to the cabin where the party is going to be held. Scenarios of what could happen at the party comes to my mind.

After a while, Cameron parks her car a few minutes away from the cabin since there is so many cars. Looks like this is a huge festival or something, minus the fun of course. I just came out here to clear my mind, if I'm being honest. With both Kaspar and Grayson on my mind (mostly Grayson), I swear one of these days I'm going to have a breakdown because of them.

We three walk with each other to the cabin where the party is being held. Welcoming me to this party is the smell of weed and cigarettes in the air. Scrunching my nose in disgust, I walk to the inside of the cabin where the room temperature is hotter than the Sahara desert. People were either grinding, playing games or simply chilling. Being curious and not knowing this place, I found my way to the kitchen.

In front of me was soda. There was a big spoon in it so I decided to help myself by pouring a drink. Raising my cup in order to drink, a hand goes in front of the cup.

"You shouldn't drink that. I wouldn't if I were you," a male's voice says.

I lower my cup and I look to see that Grayson did that.

"Hey stranger," I say with my British accent.

Grayson looks at me for a few seconds before realization hitting him. "You're the girl wh-"

I cut him off. "Yup I am."

"So what brings you to this party?" he asks in an intrigued tone.

"Oh, you know, just came here with a couple of lads to have fun while we're in America."

"That's nice! Hey thank you for last time. With you know, listening to my rant. It probably was weird that a stranger was ranting abou-"

"Nonsense," I exclaim. "Sorry for cutting you off."

He laughs in response. "It's fine."

"So how come I cannot drink the soda?" I ask.

"You're not a party person?"

"Not really. I prefer staying online than going out."

"Well, you're in for a lesson. So that drink, it could be soda that is tainted. Or it could be an alcoholic drink. I also suggest staying away from the sweets like brownies or gummy bears."

"Thank you for the word of advice," I smile.

"If you don't mind, but do you wanna get away from this scene? I found an empty room that I hope is still empty. I'm not going to get laid with you, I swear I'm not that type of person. I may look like one, but I'm not, at all."

I look around to see my surroundings decided to go with him. We head to this room that Grayson had access to. Lucky us, there was no one here. Grayson locks the door once I entered in along with him.

"So what happens now?" I ask awkwardly.

"We can just talk about things?"

"Not a bad idea."

"So tell me how's your life back in the UK? I totally want to know about it."

"It's nice there. I mean with the unpredictable weather and the London rain. I find satisfaction in the buildings and cafes they have there. Whenever my mind wants to be cleared, you'll tend find me in a cafe drinking coffee. Caramel beverages are my favorite as the aftertaste lingers in my mouth for a bit. I have a nice circle of friends and academically smart, so that gives me an advantage of advanced classes. I had a choice of starting college early, but I preferred finishing school instead."

"That just made New Jersey boring."

"I'm sure it can't be that bad. I'm enjoying it here."

"Really? Many people tend to not enjoy New Jersey."

"Well they're terrible for not looking beyond depth. Sometimes, we just need to see things through a different perspective."

For a bit, Grayson and I carry a banter for a while about random things. It's so nice to get away from the party scenes because I do not enjoy them. I mean sometimes I do, but, most of the times I don't.

"Do you want to come with me to see if there's any soda that isn't unopened?" He asks.

"Sure. All this talking now makes me want a beverage."

I get up and Grayson made sure to lock the door again. Following Grayson to the kitchen, I see that the party has gotten more intense as more people are dancing and drinking. The house is now trashed from the mess that people are making.

I thank Grayson when he hands me a can of Coca-Cola. We open our cans and raise them as they clink against each other.

"Cheers," I smile.

I get a text from Cameron telling me to look up. I see her and Ethan motioning me that we're leaving.

"You know, it slipped my mind to ask this in the first place. But I never got your na-"

"I'm really, really sorry. I have to go but it was a fun time hanging out with you tonight. Thank you for a nice night," I say quickly.

I leave out of the house, fast, with Ethan and Cameron behind me.


Remorse story is back guys! Thank you all so much for supporting me, and for my new readers, I hope that you will enjoy this story!

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