No Peace For The Guilty? What About the Innocent?

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sorry it's been a while... and this chapter is going to be a little shorter than the others because of how I planned out the chapters.... sorry! but there will be more later! On with the story then!


"You haven't heard? Tsk-tsk. It's certainly not my place to tell you. Either they have to tell you or you will just have to find out on your own," she said, completely serious.

"So are you going to tell her anytime soon?" Mary asked.

"I'm not going to tell her at all. I'm going to make her fall for me the normal way. Having her as my soulmate is just giving me a little extra help," I shrugged.

"Just don't ruin her trust. I'm sure that if you lose it you'll never get it back," Mary warned before going to her room.

I sighed and went to my office to get some work done.


I woke early and decided that it was time to get the stuff out of the car. I had agreed to stay as long as they helped Ryan. I owed him so much that I could never say no. This was the least I could do for him. It took me three trips to get all of his stuff into his room without waking him up and then three more trips to get my things up to my room. I grabbed my skateboard and rolled down the hallway, flying over the stairs and into the kitchen. An older woman was standing in the kitchen with a shocked expression before she started laughing.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't trying to be rude and I am terribly sorry if I offended you in any way," I said quickly.

"No dear, don't worry. You're fine. I just haven't seen such balance and skill since I was young. I'm Mary," she smiled.

"Arrow," I smiled in return.

Her smiled fell and her eyes grew wide in shock and awe. I was starting to feel that everyone around here knew something that I didn't and that there was some reason that they were purposely keeping it from me. And let me tell you, it's not a fun feeling. It was making me uneasy.

"Sorry again," I mumbled, running outside.





This girl must not have been part of the pack for very long if she was apologizing for possibly 'offending' me.

"I'm Mary," I introduced.

"Arrow," she said, returning my smile.

I felt my smile drop in shock. This beautiful, charming young lady was Josh's soulmate, the same girl that I had heard so much about.

"Sorry again," she mumbled and ran outside before I could say anything to stop her.

I thought about things as I made breakfast. Everyone was in the dining room-except Arrow- by the time the food was ready. As if reading my mind, Josh asked a boy where she was. I noticed the similarities between the boy and Arrow.

"She wasn't in her room so I figured that she was with you," the boy-obviously Arrow's brother-gasped, fear in his eyes.

"She really needs to stop running off," Josh sighed, standing to leave.

"I do believe that, that is her skateboarding right outside," I said, pointing out the window.

The girl was good at what she was doing and had a great sense of balance. She would make a great werewolf once Josh changed her.

"I'll go get her," Ryan said, rushing outside.

We watched the two talk before they began to argue. Ryan grabbed her arm and pulled her inside.

"I knew that, that Josh guy was going to be a bad influence on you! You're already acting like an obnoxious asshole!" she snapped.

The pack all turned to look at Josh, trying to hold their laughter in.

"In case you forgot we don't have anywhere else to go. They took us in and you need to show Josh respect! He's my Alpha damnit!" Ryan shot back.

"Respect is earned Ryan! I don't just respect people whether they're your Alpha or not! I will not go around letting anyone run my life! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" Arrow screamed.

"Last time I checked it was you who came to me for help about Trevor!" Ryan snapped, realizing too late his mistake.

"Well I'm sorry that I made the mistake to think that as my brother you might give a damn... Good luck with life Ry, I'll get out of the way and stop burdening you with my foolish problems," Arrow said calmly.

She walked back out the front door, ignoring Ryan's pleas and apologies.

"Damnit!" Ryan snapped, phasing out of anger. He took off out the kitchen door and into the woods.

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