He's Trying To Cut Out My Tongue!!

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I ran inside and searched for Tanya. When I couldn't find her I hunted down Ryan to see if he knew where she was.

"RYAN!!!" I screamed, causing some of the pack to cover their ears.

He showed up a moment later, holding hands with Tanya, a worried look on his face.

"What's the matter?" he demanded.

"I don't need you. I needed her and thought you might be able to find her which I see you did so thank you so very much," I said, grabbing Tanya's wrist and pulling her with me.

"What's the matter?" she asked as she pulled Ryan along behind her.

"Lily went to bed the other night and hasn't woken up yet. Matt is worried that they might have done somthing to her," I explained as we came outside.

Josh was standing there, looking at Matt as if he had grown another head.

"What's going on?" I asked, stopping dead in my tracks.

"I didn't set up the cook out with you and your pack to chat. I set it up so that I could tell you about Lily. I can't pretend that she isn't mine Josh. Please, let me take her home once she's better," Matt begged.

"Is she your... Your daughter?" I asked.

Matt just nodded sorrowfully.

"Josh, you can't keep them apart. Let us take care of her first Matt. Let Tanya look at her and make sure that she's going to be alright and then you can take her home. Alright?" I said carefully.

I wasn't sure how he would react to me anymore and I wasn't sure how he would respond to this kind of a situation.

"Thank you Arrow, for everything," he smiled a small smile and handed Lily to Tanya. She took Lily inside while we waited in the back yard.

"So Ryan... Why exactly were you holding Tanya's hand?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well... Um... You see...." he stuttered.

"I get it brother. No need to worry," I smiled as Josh laced our fingers together.

"Finally! It's about time you two stopped being so stubborn and just dated!" Matt and Ryan cried at the same time.

"Oh hush you two!" Josh laughed.

I blushed and looked at the ground.

"Aww, I don't think I've ever seen my baby sister blush like that," Ryan chuckled.

"Shut up Ryan before I make you," I threatened.

"Oh really?" he smirked.

"Yes really," I said, taking a step towards him.

He matched my step and came towards me. Before he could move to tackle me I grabbed him in a headlock.

"Now, what did I always try to teach you about playing nice?" I asked in a sickly sweet tone.

"To always pick my fights carefully?" he offered in an airy voice.

"Correct. And what did you learn about picking fights with your sister?" I asked in the same tone I had used earlier.

Josh and Matt were trying not to laugh at the fact that Ryan was getting his butt handed to him.

"Not to," Ryan said.

"Good, now you're not going to be picking anymore fights with your sister are you?" I asked.

"Maybe," he smirked.

He did a reversal and had me in the head lock.

"What now little sis?" he chuckled.

I smirked and motioned for Josh to stay away as he came towards me to help.

"This," I chuckled and elbowed him in the gut before pinning him to the ground and sitting on his back.

"You forget big brother, just because you were born first and are a werewolf does not mean that I can't and won't beat you up," I smiled down at him.

"Okay, okay," he grumbled.

I laughed and got off of him. Josh wrapped his arms around my waist. Tanya came walking back out a few minutes later.

"What's the matter with her?" Matt asked, dropping his fake smile.

"She's merely exhausted. She'll be fine. She just needs to be left to rest for a while and she'll be fine," Tanya smiled.

"Are you certain that that is all that it is?" he asked in fear.

"I'm a werewolf nurse I do know a thing or two about taking care of werewolves," she chuckled, holding onto Ryan's hand.

Matt sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"I know but I finally have her back... I'm just worried..." he sighed.

"It'll be okay Matt. I promise," I smiled and pat his shoulder.

"Yeah but you aren't her father so you aren't going to worry like I am," he snapped at me.

"I took care of my brothers while my parents were working all of the time. I sacrificed things for them just like you do for your daughter. For Ryan alone I've given up everything because I love and care for him. The same reasons you give things up for your daughter. I may not have children so I won't know exactly what you're talking about but I think I come pretty close thank you," I said calmly.

"Yeah I know, it's just hard...." he sighed and went inside to check on Lily.

"Well what would you lot like to do today?" Tanya asked with a smile.

"Why don't we go to the movies?" Ryan offered.

"Sounds great! What do you think darling?" Josh asked, turning to look at me.

"Whatever floats your guys' boats," I shrugged and skipped into the house to find something to eat.

"Hello dear, what can I do for you?" Mary asked with her usual smile.

"Oh, I'm just grabbing a small snack," I shrugged and grabbed a glass of milk and some cookies.

"That's not very healthy... You'll start gaining weight... Though you look like you could use a few extra pounds," she laughed.

"Yeah, I have a pretty fast metabolism," I chuckled and sat on the counter.

"Yeah, everyone wishes that they could eat as much as she does and get away with it. She eats as much as any werewolf I've ever met and yet she's just as skinny as one," Ryan laughed as he stole one of my cookies.

"Those are my cookies mister," I pouted, sticking my tongue out at him.

"What have I told you about sticking your tongue out at people?" Ryan said in a serious voice, coming towards me slowly.

"Ahh!!! Josh! Ryan's trying to cut my tongue out!!!" I screamed, running around the kitchen table from my brother.

Josh came into the room with Tanya and they both stopped to stare at us is shock.

"I swear, you two act like children!" Tanya laughed.

"He started it." "She started it." We both chimed at the same moment.

"Well I have to go get some work done so I'll see you guys in a bit and we'll go to the movies," Josh smiled, kissing me quickly before turning to walk away.

"You're just going to go off to work? He's trying to cut my tongue out!" I pouted.

"Ryan, no cutting or ripping your sister's tongue out. Arrow, no tormenting your brother," Josh sighed.

"Fine," we both grumbled.

He chuckled and walked off to his office.

"You two are going to get yourselves into some serious trouble if you're not careful," Tanya sighed and walked away.

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