Why Trevor Is Evil

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I've been walking for what feels like days and I'm so sleepy!

"Am I there yet?" I whined.

Like usual, there was no answer.

"Gah! I wish there was someone around to talk to," I grumbled and sat down for a minute.

I could feel my eyes start to close but an image of Josh and Ryan flashed through my mind and made me get up.

"I hope that this trip ends soon," I sighed.

After walking for what felt like forever my stomach started to grumble. I stopped and looked around for something to eat.

I found a nice little apple tree growing a little ways off of the road. I went to step off of the path but a hand grabbed mine.

"You don't want to do that," a voice said.

I looked back and saw an older lady of about sixty.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because if you leave the path that is set before you then you won't make it to where you're going," she warned.

"What are you? My wisdom? Geeze Trinity," I sighed, putting a hand over my heart.

Don't ask me how I know who she is because I don't know. It just felt right. Maybe it was the insanity returning.

"Actually that's exactly who I am. Haven't you figured it out yet? Each of us that you've met so far are a part of you. And each time you make it through one person you get that much closer to getting back to your new body," she smiled.

"What do you mean my new body?" I asked, worried.

"Exactly that. You're changing as we speak and your new body won't last if you don't make it through me and the next setting. But if you can make it through the next one then you'll make it for sure," she promised.

"Alright, what's next then?" I asked, walking down the path with her.

I turned my head to look at her as she answered but she wasn't there.

"Great! I love how every part of me that I've met just up and abandons me in the middle of me trying to understand things! You know, if it wasn't for me none of the me's would be alive and yet they're all being rather mean and rude to me!" I complained as I walked.

I found my self slipping back into insanity as I walked, talking to myself and arguing with myself.

I just wanted to get back into Josh's arms and see my brother smile. Thinking about them made me cry.

I hated crying, it always made me think that people would know that I was weak and vulnerable at that time.

When I finally came out of my thoughts I found myself standing at a cross roads facing two twin girls. They looked about fifteen.

"Can I help you girls?" I asked.

I was confused, everyone else I had met had only been one person and I had been able to get their names pretty quickly. But these girls confused me.

"We're here to see that you make the choice," one said.

"You were supposed to be nice," the second whispered.

"Let me guess, you're my stubborness and my shyness?" I offered, finally understanding.

"Yeah! Do you have a problem with that?" stubborn asked.

"I didn't know that my stubborn self was so rude!" I whispered to the shy one.

The shy one just blushed a bright shade of red since she was to shy to let her laughter out.

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