You'll End Up Just Like Me!

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When I woke up I was chained to a wall in a cell with only some tattered basketball shorts on. I looked around, hoping to see Arrow and at the same time hoping that Trevor had been bluffing and she wasn't here.

"I see you finally woke up," a voice said from the far corner.

I looked over and saw a boy a few years younger than myself.

"Where are we?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"You my friend, are in what we like to call the holding place," another boy said.

The two looked a lot alike.

"Yes, we're twins. No we are not related to Arrow," they chorused.

"How do you know her?" I asked quickly.

"She was here not to long ago. She told us that if we were to ever run into her soulmate that we were to tell you that you two things. One that we aren't related to her that way you would know that we really did see her. And two is that you need to get out of here. She says to forget about her and keep Ryan safe," the first one said.

"No, I'm not leaving without her. Not now and not ever. She's to precious to me for that to happen," I said.

"We figured you'd say that. I'm Stephen and this is my twin brother Greg. We've been here for the past few days," the second boy shrugged.

I noticed that Greg had dark blonde hair whereas Stephen's hair was much lighter. Though they both had dark brown eyes.

"So why do you call this the holding place?" I asked, trying to pass the time.

"Because from here they take us into the pain room where they whip us and beat us and nearly kill us. Then they take us to the healing room so that we can get a little better so that we won't die. After that they take us right back here. And from here we get one meal every other day if we're lucky," the twins took turns explaining.

"Where do they have Arrow?!" I demanded, trying to break the chains that were holding me.

"We aren't certain. They went down a different hallway than the ones they take us down," they shrugged.

"Can you help me break these chains?" I asked in hope.

I can't just sit here and wait for something to happen. I have to find a way to get Arrow out of here.

I thought to myself as they pulled on the chains.

"No good man, those chains are stronger than we are," Greg sighed.

"But don't worry, if they've got you chained then it means that they're afraid of you and you can always use that to your advantage," Stephen beamed.

I hung my head in shame, thinking of all the horrible things that he could be doing to my precious Arrow.

Of all the things I wasn't saving her from. Forever seemed to pass before someone came towards our cell.

"Hello boys... Ah, I see that you've finally woken up. The boss will be really happy to hear that," a werewolf smirked.

"Where's Arrow?" I growled, fighting agaisnt the chains.

Being away from her was starting to cause me pain. I can only imagine what kind of pain it must be causing her since she's human.

"You mean your little girlfriend? Don't worry, no one's hurt her... Yet... Now be a good little dog and shut up," he laughed.

"Don't make him angry sir," Stephen warned.

"Silence mutt!" the guy growled, pulling out a whip.

"He was just trying to warn you that this guy is an Alpha and that the girl is his soulmate. If you hurt her he'll go into such a rage that he'll be able to kill everyone in a fifty mile radius without being unchained," Greg said in fear.

I gave them a strange look but went with their story.

"Well I guess while the boss is away I could let you see her real quick... But if I do this for you then you have to promise to come right back here. If you want my help in getting out," he whispered.

"What do you mean?" I demanded, completely confused by this strange guy.

"Sir, I'm a lone wolf. I'm only here because Trevor has my little brother. I have to follow his orders or he'll kill Quin. That's my brother's name. Once Trevor leaves I'll take you to see your young miss. I'm sorry if anything I've said offended you but I have to act mean when there are others listening. But when you've seen her you have to come back here until we work out a time to escape with my brother. Because when you leave I have to as well or he'll kill my brother," the guy explained.

"What's your name?" Greg asked.

"I'm Samuel. Please, you must trust me," he said.

"We'll see how well you can be trusted when you keep your word and take me to see my mate," I snapped.

"You have every right to doubt me... Now shut up you worthless dogs!" he yelled.

Trevor came walking in a moment later.

"Samuel, has he woken?" Trevor asked.

"Where's Arrow?" I demanded.

"Don't worry, I have her living in comfort right now," he smirked.

"Leave her go!" I commanded.

"You see, you commanding me doesn't do anything to me. I'm not part of your pack remember?" he laughed.

"I swear if you hurt her I'll..." he cut me off with his booming laughter.

"You'll what? As far as I can see, you're powerless and I have complete control," he smirked.

"Leave her be! She's never done anything to anyone!" I yelled.

"She made me look like a fool! That wasn't nice of her so she will get her just rewards," he chuckled.

"Don't hurt her Trevor. You know what it's like to lose the person you love the most. Please don't do this," I begged.

"Shut up you worthless little mutt! You know nothing of my pain! You never once tried to save her! Don't tell me what is and isn't pain! You'll know exactly what I've felt since my soulmate died! You'll know what it's like to be in so much pain that it drives you insane! You'll end up just like me!" he sneered through the bars of the cell.

"I'll never be like you Trevor. Because if I were to ever lose Arrow I'd kill myself before turning on those that had tried to help me," I said calmly.

He growled and turned to Samuel.

"I'm taking the others and going on a hunt. You are to stay here and guard them. Understood? Remember, one slip up and your little brother won't live to see the sun rise," Trevor snapped, grabbing Samuel's throat.

Samuel nodded quickly and was shoved away from Trevor. Trevor phased and ran from the room. We heard several howls and a door slam shut.

"Give me five minutes to make sure that everyone is gone before I help you at all," Samuel said quickly and ran off.

A few moments later he was back so I figured that the building wasn't very big. He unlocked the door and undid my chains before leading me to a room that was like a fancy bedroom in a palace. Laying unconscious and bleeding on the bed was the love of my life. I ran over to her side.

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