There Is No Us Josh!

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I just sat there, stunned that someone so sweet cared for me. Me. Of all the girls in the world that he could have taken a liking to he took a liking to me, the messed up one.

I wanted so bad to put the past behind me, I wanted to be able to move on like everyone else had. But every time I started to feel like my old self something happened to remind me that I can never be happy with Trevor looming over me.

"Listen, I know I'm not the greatest guy in the world but I promise you, I won't let anything hurt you. If anyone ever hurts you I'll kill them," he swore.

"But who's going to protect me from you?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"If I ever hurt you I will lock myself away to slowly suffer until I gain your forgiveness. I could never stand even the thought of you hurting because of me and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe," he said with a small smile.

"Thank you, but like I said, this doesn't mean that I like you," I said in a serious tone.

He chuckled and stood up.

"How about we do something to get your mind off of things?" he asked.

"Like what?" I wondered, suddenly realizing how boring sitting around in my room was.

"How about we go see a movie and then grab some ice cream?" he offered.

I smiled and jumped on his back.

"Mush Wolfy-boy! On ward to the food!" I laughed.

It was so easy to forget things when I was with Josh. Almost like he made everything bad disappear.



I laughed at how immature she was acting but walked down the stairs.

"Where are you two going?" Mary asked.

"Out. We'll be back later... Unless we decide to not come back for a while," I joked.

"Well you better have her back at a decent hour or her brother will tear into you like there's no tomorrow," Mary warned.

"No! Ryan's not allowed to hurt him!" Arrow cried, tightening her arms around my neck.

"Well why not?" Mary asked, trying to figure out if I had already won the bet.

"Because then Wolfy-boy wouldn't be able to carry me like a pack mule carries stuff! And I'm too much of a lazy bum to walk all the way down the stairs," Arrow laughed.

Her laugh made my heart soar. She was so scared and upset earlier that I wanted to kill something, anything.

The feeling scared me. I have never felt that kind of anger before and I feared that I might lose control.

"Come on Wolfy-boy!" Arrow whispered in my ear.

My heart stopped for a moment, but I pushed the feelings aside and carried her out to the car. I couldn't pay attention to the movie because Arrow kept correcting everything in it.

It was some movie based on a true story but according to Arrow they captured it all wrong. I laughed at her, unable to control myself.

All I got in response was her sticking her tongue out at me. The night was so amazing, I really wish that it was like this all of the time between us.

It seemed like everytime we were alone she was fine, able to forget that her life had been hell. But as soon as we would get home I knew that she would go back to being sad and upset.

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