To Strangle The Gum Popper Or Not To Strangle The Gum Popper?

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Lily... Oh! That's that little girl that Arrow had cooked with when we first got here!

"Who?" Josh growled, letting his anguish fuel him.

"We don't know... It looks like it was some humans. She was in town with me one minute and I came back with our ice cream and she was gone. There were no werewolf or vampire scents around. Not even Elf or Fae," he explained.

"There's nothing we can do until we get a proper lead," Josh said.

"You can't be serious!" Matt cried.

"Call the pack together Dylan, we need to talk about this apparently," Josh sighed.



I woke up to people arguing. I walked downstairs and stayed hidden in the shadows and listened to them talk. The entire pack was in the living room area.

"Some humans took Lily and you want to sit here and do nothing! She's just a child!" Matt cried.

So he really was just a big softy at heart.

"We don't know who could have taken her. We need to get some leads and then we'll go after her," Josh said.

I couldn't even look at him from the shadows, it just hurt too much.

"Then you condemn her to death!" Matt cried in terror.

"I'm not going to endanger the entire pack for one person," Josh explained.

I felt the need to step in but surpressed it.

"She's just a little girl Josh!" Mary cried in horror.

"And if we all just run out there then we risk the lives of every person in this pack," Josh explained.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that he's looking out for his pack but this was going over the top for me.

"This might not concern me but isn't it a risk to have me here?" I asked, staying in the shadows.

"That's different..." Josh said, staring at the ground.

"No, it's not. For your own selfish reasons you had me stay here and that endangered your pack due to my past. Therefore for one person you risked the lives of your pack. How is that any different than this?" I asked softly, still refusing to look at him.

"Because without my soulmate I would die," he said.

"And without your help she will die. So tell me, why is it okay for you to risk the lives of your pack for you but not for an innocent child who's never hurt a soul?" I demanded, angry at him, at myself.

"It just is, and that's final. When we find out who has her then we'll go after them," Josh snapped.

I shook my head and walked up to my room, refusing to accept that as an answer. I slipped into my dark skinny jeans and a dark purple shirt, grabbed a hoodie, my gun, my skateboard, and my chain.

You see, I have a chain that I used when I needed to get personal with an attack. I taught myself to fight after Trevor became abusive, in hopes that one day I would be able to fight back.

I slipped out my window and climbed from the roof to the overhang on the porch and jumped to the porch below.

I took off on my skateboard, going into town. If Josh wasn't going to do anything to get Lily back then I would.

I was tired of people being two-faced and betraying me. I needed to get away from the estate anyways so I might as well see if I can find anything out about Lily.

I went into town and stopped by the bigger stores, trying to figure out where she might have been taken from in the first place.

I should have prepared better before I left. I grabbed my phone and called Drake.

"Where are you?" he hissed.

"Sh, don't tell anyone that it's me. I need to talk to Matt... He was the one with Lily right?" I asked.

I figured that he must have been the one with her since he was the one who seemed to care the most about finding her. He must feel responsible.

"Yeah... You're out looking for her aren't you?" he accused softly.

"Yes now put him on," I commanded.

I heard some shuffling before silence.

"Hello?" Matt asked.

"Where were you and Lily before she was taken?" I asked.

"Arrow? You're looking for her?" he asked skeptically.

"Yes I am. Now you can either tell me where the two of you were or I'll have to be out here all night looking for her," I sighed.

"We were at the ice cream shop in the middle of town. I had promised her ice cream if she stayed with me while we shopped and didn't run off," he said sadly.

"We're going to find her Matt, I promise," I said, hanging up the phone.

I skated to the ice cream shop Matt had told me about and talked to the people working there.

I lied to them and told them that my parents were divorced and my dad had sent someone to take my little sister from me while my brother was buying her ice cream earlier and we hadn't heard anything.

That my dad was part of the mafia and that we were afraid he had taken her from us for good. I know, I'm a great liar right?

"Oh, you mean the tall tan guy? The one who had the little pale girl with him?" the girl asked, popping her gum.

"Yes," I said excitedly.

"Oh yeah, some weird older guys came and took her. I mean older guys too. Not like the cute older guys but like the old kinda chubby older guys," she rambled on.

"Do you know where they went? Or who they were?" I asked hopeful.

I was too excited to think to ask her why she didn't do anything to stop them from taking an innocent child.

"Nah, but they were jumping into like, this really, I don't know, like shiney,and kinda like fancy looking car," she said, popping her gum again.

I sighed inwardly, trying to stay calm.

"Which way did the car go?" I asked.

"Oh, well it went that way duh," she giggled, popping her gum again.

I wanted to shake her until she choked on the gum!

"Thanks," I mumbled.

I skated home and stomped up to my room. I changed into some sweat pants and a tanktop for bed and went to find Matt.

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