Two Truths One Friendship

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"I knew he has Sheryl for a sister but I didn't know Josh had another sister.... And... And... She died?" I gasped.

"Oh dear... He hasn't told you about that?" Mary asked.

"What happened?" I asked, needing to know more.

"No, that's not my place to tell," she said, shaking her head quickly.



Once Arrow went inside I took Matt aside to speak with him.

"I know you don't like Trevor, that's why I thought you might actually attempt to get to know my soulmate before bashing her in front of both of our packs. She's been through hell because of him and you need to give her some slack," I said.

"I know, I'm sorry... But... After what happened to your sister and what those filthy humans did.... I just can't trust a human Josh... I'm sorry," Matt said, shaking his head.

"Have you told her?" he asked suddenly.

"No..." I mumbled.

"You should... It's best that she learns how evil he really is before someone else tells her," he pointed out, walking back to the cook out.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I wanted to tell her about Sunny... But I had worked so hard to push the memories away and I didn't want them to come back. Sunny had been my baby sister and in an instant he had taken her away. He couldn't just move on and be glad that I hadn't killed him... No, he had to kill her... And because I had been to pathetic and kind hearted to kill him he had gone on to hurt Arrow. And yet at the same time, if I had killed him then I would have never found Arrow.

Why does everything have to be so difficult?

I thought to myself as I wandered through the people.

I not only failed in getting my soulmate to love me back but I failed in keeping her safe from the wrath of Matt... I really wish he could just move on with everything.

I thought as I sat in the garden.

It was quiet, no one was around. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear anyone come into the garden. Hands covered my eyes.

"Take a guess," a silky voice giggled.

I groaned inwardly... And not the good kind of groaned either!

"Go away Terry," I grumbled.

"Why?" the fake blonde pouted.

"Because I don't want to talk to you," I said, rubbing my face.

"Come here, I'll make everything better," she giggled.

God! Her giggle was so freaking annoying! I mean, can't you just laugh? Why giggle? And why does it have to be in that high pitch that no one can stand?

"I said to get off!" I snapped, jumping up.

She jumped into my arms and started to kiss me. I stood there, terrified.

"Hey Josh... Oh... Um..." Drake said.

I dropped Terry and looked at him.

"This is not what it looks like!" I said quickly. "For your sake it better not be. Remember, I'm not part of your pack... If you hurt Arrow, I'll kill you. That's no threat, it's a promise," he said and walked away.

"Who's Arrow?" Terry asked, grabbing my hand.

"She's my soulmate. Now go away!" I snapped.

I stormed off, angry. I phased at some point and took off into the woods to clear my head. By the time I got back to the estate it was dark.

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