Mush Wolfy-Boy! I Said Mush!

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"Close your mouth before you choke on a bug," I snickered.

"Fine, but let's make this a tad bit more interesting... If I win, you announce to the entire pack that we are in fact soulmates and then you must do one thing of my choice, whenever I happened to use this," he smirked.

"Fine, but I won't have sex with you, agreed?" I asked.

"I would never force you into that," he promised in all seriousness.

"Good! But! If I win then you have to get bright pink highlights and have to make-out with the person of my choice during dinner next Sunday," I chuckled.

"Agreed, only because I know that I'll win," he smiled, grabbing my hand.

I followed him to the house in a daze; not because of the electrical feeling of my hand being in his, but by the fact that he was so sure that he was right.

"Ryan!" I cried happily, seeing my brother sitting in the livingroom, playing video games with some of the other guys.

"Hey lil sis!" he smiled as I sat on his shoulders.

"Ry, you really suck at this game," I whispered, putting my hands over his so that he pushed the right buttons.

I helped Ryan kill everyone else, winning him the game.

"No fair! You had help!" a younger boy named Hector pouted.

"Is this what I think it is? A guy admitting that a girl beat him? Oh this is priceless!" I laughed.

"No! It's the fact that there were two of you playing as one person!" another boy-Seth- cried.

"What ever you say fellas," I chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh! Hello dear!" Mary smiled.

"Hey," I said, trying to fight the awkwardness I felt while being in this place.

"I've heard about what happened to your family. I'm so sorry dear. If you ever need anything at all you let me know," she smiled.

"Why are you being so kind if you know of what I've done?" I asked calmly.

"Because it was Trevor's fault! You and your brother are not to blame. You are both victims in this, just like the rest of your family," she said.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"You are so kind. I wish everyone was as kind and understanding as you," I whispered.

"The only person blaming you around here is you yourself," Mary smiled.

"Thank you," I said after a moment, smiling.

She was right, I tried to stop it. I did my best. Just because I couldn't stop it from happening didn't make it my fault.

"Would you like some help with dinner?" I asked.

She smiled and we set to work; personally I was already starting to feel like my old self. As I finished setting the table someone came up behind me and started to tickle my sides.

"Ahhhhh!!! Josh..... stop...... right now!" I said between laughs.

"Make me,"he smirked.

I grabbed a handful of mashed potatos and smeared it in his face. The pack stopped in the doorway to watch. I ran and hid behind Ryan.

"Ryan, please move," Josh commanded.

Ryan started to move but Mary came out of the kitchen and caught Josh's attention.

"Don't you dare Arrow!" Ryan cried, knowing what I was about to do.

I ignored him and jumped on Josh's back.

"Mush Wolfy-boy!" I smirked as he lost his balance.

As he started to fall I jumped off of his back, landing perfectly balanced on the table.

"Get down," Ryan begged.

I was feeling like my old self again, the real me who had been blocked by guilt and shame, and I was loving it. I chuckled at his seriousnss but jumped down, landing perfectly.

"Okay then show off," Ryan joked.

"I'm not showing off, you're just jealous that I have skills and that I know how to have fun," I smirked, sticking my tongue out at him.

He grabbed my tongue between his thumb and index finger and smirked.

"You're so immature. Keep your tongue where it belongs," he sighed.

Before I could retaliate Josh drapped an arm over my shoulders.

"Let's eat guys," he laughed.

I shrugged his arm off, grabbed a piece of toast, and sat outside.

"Don't worry, she's just not a big eater," Ryan explained.

He wasn't lying. I hadn't been eating much since the accident either. I ate enough to stay healthy unlike him but I barely ate. Once I had finished my toast I closed my eyes and laid down in the grass.

"Mind if I sit here?" Josh asked.

I was feeling in to great of a mood to snap at him.

"Whatever," I shrugged.

"So it seems to me that you're getting comfortable here," he said, eating the food he had brought out.

"I guess... I mean, I kinda had my eyes opened about some stuff and realized that I have every right to be myself," I said, sitting up to look at him.

"Arrow! Ryan's choking!" a younger boy, Jimmy, cried.

I jumped up and ran to the dinning room.

"See? Over protective," Ryan laughed.

"You're an idiot!" I cried, tackling him.

I pinned him down.

"I was actually worried!" I hissed.

He threw me off but I landed on my feet nimbly.

"I was just proving a point," he said.

"Do you remember what happened last time you were 'just proving a point'? You ended up with your arm caught in a toilet!" I said, calming down.

"You swore you would never speak of that again!" he cried.

Josh pulled Ryan off of me and I became aware of the laughter around us. Ryan helped me up and I gave him a hug.

"I have the feeling that things are going to get interesting around here, besides our bet of course," Josh chuckled.

My eyes widened as I remembered the bet that we had made just a few hours ago.

"What bet is this?" Ran asked, looking between my shocked expression and Josh's smug look.

"She doesn't believe that we're soulmates. So I have a week to prove that we are and make her fall in love with me," Josh said.

Everyone looked at me in shock and worry.

"Good luck Wolfy-boy," I smirked, pat his cheek, and walked out of the room.

I went up to my room and sat on my bed to read.

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