Finally Growing Up And Moving On

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I couldn't believe he yelled at me for being childish! Who does he think he is? All my anger kept boiling but I refused to let my body change any more than it already had.

I stormed out of the house, off of the property, and just kept walking, ignoring the looks from the pack members. I was angry and I wasn't stopping for anyone or anything.

"Hello dog," a man smirked.

He and a few others starting coming towards me. Out of fear I let myself phase completely before snapping back into my proper thinking and attacking.

I grabbed one man by the throat with my mouth while attacking another with my claws.

"We just want to talk mutt," the first man said seriously.

I didn't trust him nor did I believe him. He was evil, I could smell it on him. The man whose throat I was holding started coughing up blood so I released him and watched as he slowly died on the ground in front of me.

"Why don't you calm down and we'll have a talk like two normal people should?" the man offered.

I growled at him in response. He shrugged at my response and pulled out a gun. He began firing at me so I took off running.

I couldn't go back to the estate because then I would lead them right to my friends, my brother, my love. I wouldn't do that to them. I would die first.

Even though Josh and I have our differences I'm not about to lead these freaks to the estate. No matter how much I wish it was different, my heart loved him even when he screamed at me and belittled me.

I ran towards Trevor's hide out, following Trevor's scent to find my way there. If anyone was going to get hurt by these guys then it would be Trevor.

He didn't deserve to breathe after what he had done to the people around me. He was down right evil in so many ways.

I felt a shot graze my arm and pushed myself faster. Once I was a little ways ahead and make a bunch of different trails for them to follow.

Once that was done and all the trails were left at Trevor's doorstep I phased back into my... Well mostly human form and climbed into the trees.

I worked at going from tree to tree until I had passed the men with the guns. I waited until they were far enough away that they wouldn't hear me and jumped from the tree.

I ran back to the estate and ran to find Ryan. He and Tanya were laying in the garden. I told them what had happened, from Josh insulting me to showing up to them.

"Are you alright?" Ryan gasped, searching me over.

He caught the graze on my arm, it looked terrible.

"They must have been shooting with the same mixture that I soak my bullets in," I sighed.

"Come on, I'll have to treat that right away or you'll die from it," Tanya sighed.

"What is that about?" I asked defensively.

"You've been here for a shorter time than anyone else and yet you are the most accident prone one here," she chuckled, shaking her head.

She led me inside and to her study where she poured an ugly brown liquid into my cut. I hid my pain, as I often did and waited for it to pass.

She put the bandage on and told me to keep it clean so that it didn't get infected. I nodded and skipped off to my room.

I was still angry with Josh and I wasn't about to go crawling back to him just because some mean guys scared me.

So they were going to kill me, what's new? I'm serious, my life might as well be a soap opera or something. Is everyone's lives this messed up?

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