Angry Because I Saved Her Or Angry Because I Have A Heart And You Don't?

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"Josh of course. I was on my way to visit him when my car broke down. I called him from your friend's phone before he left to find the first man. I told him where I was so that he could come and meet me. That's why I was still here," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"No! He's not supposed to come himself!" the man screamed, shoving me and the chair I was in against a wall.

Since my arms were tied behind the chair it hurt like a mother when I hit the wall. I gasped in pain and Lily started to cry.

"Hush sweetie. It's going to be alright," I said, forcing a smile.

"Why would you tell him to come here?" the man demanded.

"I don't know what's going on sir. I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

I just had to stall him for a few hours. Ryan and Drake will be going to my room to wake me up in two hours.

That's not to terribly long right? Let me tell you, it was a long time. I was bleeding and bruised and I'm certain that I had a concussion.

"So where are your friends?" the man demanded with a smirk.

I don't know...

I thought sadly to myself.

Sadly, his friend came running in at that moment.

"I found him!... What the hell happened here?" the third man gasped.

"She found out about the girl and it turns out that she's friends with that gang!" the first man sneered.

"Oh... Anyways! I found him! He was attacked by someone. He's still out of it right now and I couldn't get him here on my own," the third man explained.

The door flew open and a giant wolf came flying into the room. The men were dead in an instant and the wolf morphed into Tanya.

"I thought I smelt you around here. What is going on?" she asked me, cutting me loose.

"I came to get Lily," I said, coughing a little.

"Great, you just can't stay away from the drama can you?" she joked.

"What are you doing around here?" I asked.

"I had some work to do and was on my way home when I caught your scent," she shrugged.

I untied Lily and picked her up as Tanya slipped some clothes on. We took off down the road.

Less than an hour later we were back in town where we stopped so Tanya could call someone to pick us up.

Ryan and Drake showed up a few minutes later and hugged me close.

"What happened to you?" Ryan gasped.

"I'll tell you later so I don't have to repeat myself," I sighed and climbed in the back seat with Lily and Tanya.

When we got to the estate everyone was sitting around in the dinning room.

"Matt!" Lily cried happily.

She jumped into Matt's arms and he held her close, looking close to tears.

"What happened to you?" Josh asked.

I went over to an empty chair and sat down, my legs aching from the strain of holding my weight.

"What happened?" Ryan asked, sitting next to me.

I told them all the story and it got silent as I finished the tale of what had just happened. I was really getting sick of the drama around this place.

"What were you thinking?" Josh demanded.

"I was thinking about the little girl that the so-called Alpha of her pack wasn't thinking about!" I snapped.

"I was doing what I thought was right!" he yelled.

"And I was doing the same thing! Just because you don't have a heart doesn't mean that the rest of the world has to be that way!" I screamed.

I was beyond angry now. He hadn't even tried to save Lily! How could he be angry that I had been trying to help.

"You put yourself in danger because you were angry with me! What sense does that make?" he demanded.

"I didn't do it because I was angry with you! Stop thinking that everything is about you for once alright?! I did it because I actually care about people other than myself!" I screamed and left the room.

I went into the bathroom and took a shower before bandaging my wounds and going to my room.

I laid on my bed for a while before drifting into sleep. I woke a few hours later to someone knocking on my door.

"Come in," I grumbled, feeling really terrible.

"Hey, I wanted to thank you... for everything..." Matt said, standing in the doorway.

"Oh... Um... No problem," I offered awkwardly.

Matt might have been able to stand to work with me long enough for me to get Lily back but I didn't think that he would speak to me after that.

"Look, I'm sorry. For everything I said and did to you," he murmured.

"Hey, it's the past. No worries," I said with a small smile.

"I didn't think that you would actually be able to get her back... She's like a little sister to me. I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to her..." he said.

"I didn't think I was going to be able to find her. I mean, everywhere I looked I kept running into a dead end... It was pure luck that I ran into a hobo that knew a little about criminals," I shrugged.

"You... talked to a...hobo?" he laughed.

"Yeah," I shrugged, failing to see the humor in it.

"You're definitely different Arrow," he smiled.

"Why thank you," I beamed.

He said his goodbye and walked off. I sighed and decided that I had to do something with my life instead of just sit around and hide from Josh.

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