Part 3~ Kiss The Boo Boo

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**Sam's POV**

The bell rang. Students began putting their pencils and paper away and walked out of the classroom. Taurtis looked at me and smirked, as if he knew something. I hesitated.
      "Looks like someone likes you," he teased as he pointed at someone standing next to him. I tilted my head in confusion as I peeked over his head. Taurtis was about 6"0 and I was 6"3.
      A tall girl with long blonde hair had her hands on her chest. Her hands made a heart symbol as she made a kiss motion on her lips and winked at me. She could've been attractive if it weren't for the black beard on her tanned face. Her sky blue eyes stared into mine. I awkwardly waved at her, then looked back at Taurtis. If only he knew, I thought to myself.
      "Sam, Taurtis, Yuki, Invader? Time for lunch!" Okami dismissed us a second time. I had completely dozed off at the thought of this chick liking me. I felt a poke on my shoulder as me and Taurtis walked out of the class. I turned around and saw a different girl. She had long dull pink hair and bangs that covered her left eye. Her eyes were pink as well, and she had a smile on her face.
      "Hello, my name is SirCutieYuki, but you can call me Yuki!" She threw her hand out towards me and I took it. The blonde came running next to Yuki. "Hi, I'm KawaiiInvader, but call me Invader or yours~." She winked at me and threw her hand out. I awkwardly shook her hand. She gave me a toothy smile before she rubbed her beard and walked away. I blinked at her in confusion.
      "Pfft, don't mind her, she's just like that. She's a whore." Yuki scoffed at Invader, who was talking to some girls. A girl with green skin and long red hair caught my attention, but I shrugged it off.
      "Uhm . . . Okay then. Well, we're off to lunch. Wanna join us?" Taurtis kindly offered. The girl seemed nice. Anything could've passed me though . . . Even the fact that her eye twitched and she gritted her teeth as she gave Invader death glares.

**Lunch Period**

The room was noisy as we walked inside the lunch room. It was quite large, considering the fact that we were such a small class. A group of girls, even Invader, were hanging out at the back of the room. A frog and a pufferfish were arguing about something, receiving glances because of their constant cussing. A boy with glasses was looking for a seat. "Well, let's sit!" Yuki pointed at a small white table. I went through my lunch bag and took out a carrot, while Taurtis munched on his Toritos, just some copy of Doritos. The boy with the glasses came over to our table.
      "Hello, I'm J! I would love it if I could sit with you guys!" J smiled at us. I nodded my head, but Yuki frowned. "Go buy your own table, dork." Yuki scoffed.
      "Don't be so rude to your fellow classmates," Taurtis grinned at the boy. "You can sit with us." J smiled. "Thanks!" He sat down next to Taurtis and took out a chicken leg. He nibbled on it as we discussed.
      "So, who's the girl with the red hair?" I shyly asked, blushing a light shade of pink. Yuki laughed. "Oh her? Her names SookieYaki, but I call her Sookie! She's my roommate as well as the owl." She pointed at a gray owl that sat next to Sookie.
      "I see. Is she single?" Taurtis barged into the conversation. "TAURTIS!" I yelled a little too loud. I received a few glares as the room went silent. The room soon started getting loud. I sighed.
      "No, she's dating SoulOwl, or the owl." Yuki lay her head on her palm. She sighed as she played with her Mountain Dew bottle. "Sooo. . ." J blinked and fixed his glasses. Taurtis was taking a selfie. I nibbled on my carrot as my ears twitched from the awkwardness. Yuki kept drawing circles around the cap of the bottle. She then broke the silence.
      "Sam, do you like Sookie?" She smiled as her eye twitched. I shrugged and blushed.
"I mean, even if I do, she can't love me back cause she's lesbian." Same sighed and glanced at Sookie. She was holding an apple and making Soul laugh.
      I looked back at Taurtis, who had blush on his face as he smirked at a student. She had light brown hair and blue highlights. He winked at the girl, and she giggled. Taurtis turned around and saw my smirk, causing him to blush and laugh. "You saw nothing!" I laughed and nibbled on my carrot.

**After Lunch; Third POV**

The bell rang a second time. The students threw away their scraps and trash and walked over to the nearby gym. Sam threw the rest of his carrot away and ran to the gym. Boys were lined up next to the girls in two different lines. Taurtis saw the same pufferfish guy line up with the girls. Weird. . .
      "ALRIGHT, MAGGOTS! WE HAVE TWO NEW STUDENTS! TELL ME YOUR NAMES AGAIN IF IT'S NOT 'MAGGOT'." The gym teacher glared at Sam and Taurtis. Even though he wore shades, he still stared into their souls.
      "I'm Sam."
"And I'm Taurtis the Terrific!" Taurtis goofingly shouted.
"I'M PRETTY SURE TERRIFIC MEANS BEING POPULAR AND SMART." Rowan shouted in Taurtis' face. A loud snicker came from Dom and a few other guys. "GO GET DRESSED AND STRETCH, MAGGOTS. I REALLY WANNA SEE YOU RUN TODAY!" Rowan pointed at the dressing rooms for both sexes.
      "Yay! We get to run!" Sam excitedly told Taurtis, who was walking over to the dressing rooms with him. They walked inside, accidentally walking in on two guys making out. . .but we couldn't see their faces.
      "Oh my gord, I'm sorry!" Sam quietly shouted as he covered his eyes. He was blushing a very noticeable deep ruby. Taurtis was blushing fifty shades of pink as he closed his eyes and walked over to his locker. He held onto Sam's hand as a guide and walked him to his locker which was next to Taurtis'.
      After they got dressed, they walked to the gym and began stretching. Rowan walked over to Sam and Taurtis.
      "MMMMMM." Rowan looked at Sam. Sam was sweating by then. "JUMPING JACKS, EVERYONE, NOW!" The students began doing jumping jacks, but Rowan had his eyes locked on Sam's chocolate eyes. "I swear, if it weren't for those shades, I would've ran out of this school." Sam whispered to Taurtis. He laughed.

      The students eventually ran out of the gym and onto the race tracks. A small playground and a cabin were next to it. They began getting in position.
"THE FIRST TO REACH 10 LAPS BEFORE THE REST WINS. GO!" Rowan blew his whistle. The students took off, but Sam was in the lead with Dom catching up behind him.
      "Not today, bunny boy! I'm winning this!" Dom shouted. Sam ignored him and ran as fast as his long skinny legs could carry him. He finally made it to his final lap.
      "You can do it, Sam!" Taurtis shout from far behind to Sam. Sam gave himself a dominated smirk.
      "I'M WINNING THIS, BUNNY BOY!" Dom reached his hand up to Sam's leg, causing Sam to trip. He fell face first onto the track, the rest of his body fell onto the grass. Pain stung his ankle and face as he tried to get up.
      "Dom, what the hell was that for?!" Sam heard Taurtis shout from behind. He ran up to his bunny friend and looked at his ankle. Sam had twisted it. Dom ran to the finish line.
      "DOM WON AGAIN!!" Dom shouted in our faces, not even caring about what he did. Everyone gave him a frown and ran over to Sam. They all surrounded him.
      Sookie came running to us first and kissed Sam's hand. Taurtis blushed. "Kiss the boo boo's," Sookie said as she walked away. Soon the crowd was gone and Rowan called an ambulance, and Okami cleared the crowd. Taurtis checked for other cuts and bruises.
      Sam's cut on his lip ripped more, and blood ran down it. Taurtis blushed a deep shade of ruby. Sam was confused. "What? Why are you blushing?" Sam quietly asked, still wincing at the pain on his ankle. Taurtis had his eyes locked on Sam's lips.
      "I have to kiss the boo boo," Taurtis quietly whispered. He couldn't handle it anymore anyways. He kissed Sam's lips.

**Chiffhanger!! MWAHAHAHA!! I'm so mean I know! 1449 words!! Lel**

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