Part 19~ Regrets

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**Third POV**

There was a cool draft in the room, brushing Sam's skin. He shivered and opened his eyes to the sore pain on his body. He sniffed and turned to the sleeping brit next to him. Sam smiled and kissed the top of Grian's forehead. He looked down at himself and noticed he had his boxers on. He didn't recall putting them back on. He blushed at the thought of Grian putting his boxers back on. Rubbing his bum, he began whispering a chant. The pain soon subsidized and he arose from the bed, proudly smirking. Sam turned to Grian. He looked exhausted as he slept, and Sam knew he was, so he left him there to sleep. Sam closed the nearby window.
The house was very quiet since Taurtis left. Same wondered where Taurtis would be, but he'd always try his best to forget Taurtis. Especially after what he's done. He's acted strange since Grian came to visit, but Sam couldn't put a finger on it as to why. Grian's a great guy. He's sweet, kind, generous, gentle, caring, adorable and honest. Taurtis is cocky, perverted, funny, cute, somewhat talented and supportive. Sam pondered as he walked to the bathroom. He was about to grab his toothbrush but hesitated. The urge to puke forced him to run to the toilet. He threw up before washing his face and brushing his teeth. He still isn't use to the symptoms of being pregnant. Well, he shouldn't have slept with Grian in the first place.
Grian slowly opened his eyes to the cool draft in the room. He was seeking Sam's warmth as he moved his arms around Sam's bedside, but only found Mr. Snugglemuffins under his strong arms. He moved away from the pillow and stood up. He heard the water running in the bathroom and bluntly asked, "Sam, you ok?" without putting much thought if Sam was actually in the bathroom. He heard an 'uh huh' from Sam and sighed. He was relieved that it was only Sam and not Taurtis. After what happened with Taurtis, he really didn't want to think about him. He yawned and headed downstairs to make breakfast for Sam and himself.

Taurtis rubbed his cold hands against his arms as he cuddled his body for warmth. The day was very cold, and he wondered why. The weather reporter said it would be a warm, sunny day. He shook his head and shivered as the cold breeze crashed onto his body. He wondered what Sam was doing. He assumed Sam was making out with Grian. The thought made Taurtis flinch, and his eye twitched as his finger curled around the trigger of the gun that he had found underneath the bridge. It was loaded. "That fucking British brat," Taurtis mumbled under his breath as he rocked his body back and forth. The reader may ask where Taurtis is. Well, he is currently under a bridge. He had run away from the detectives and "cops". He knew if he exposed himself he would certainly get arrested for committing murder and rape, although he didn't know if Sam told any of the cops and detectives. He knew he would regret everything sooner or later. And that time was now.
A women with blonde hair wearing a blouse walked on the bridge. Taurtis suddenly quietly but maniacally chuckled. He was dying to kill someone. Anyone would do. He bolted from under the bridge and on top of it. There, the women turned to him. Taurtis took the gun out and pulled the trigger. The bullet shot the women in the chest, and she instantly collapsed as her heart gave out one last breath. She had a terrified expression in her eyes as she lay limp on the bridge. Taurtis insanely laughed as tears ran down his face. Blood oozed from the bullet wound. What is happening to him, he asked himself. He smirked and ran to the nearest building before disappearing from a little girl's view behind a small brick house. Sirens wailed in the distance, and people looked outside from their windows. Nobody saw where the murderer went. Taurtis smirked and soon vanished behind the crowd of people. The little girl was crying as she pointed to the brick house. She was scared, because she saw everything. She looked at her mother who had a hand over her mouth as she saw the woman on the bridge, but she didn't see Taurtis. "Mommy, the bad guy went ovew dewe." The mother looked at her child. It was the last time she'd see her alive. Taurtis pointed the gun at the mother from behind the building. He pulled the trigger, but instead, he shot the little girl in the stomach. She fell back and screamed, but her scream died in her throat. She cried until her heart couldn't do anything to help itself. The little girl then whispered, "It hurts," to her mother before she closed her puffy eyes. The mother kneeled next to her lifeless daughter and sobbed on her chest and she began screaming, "Help!" Taurtis began crying and laughing in shock and insanity before running off.

Sam heard the sirens as he bit into his waffle. The day was going great, until sirens wailed into his "paradise" image. He groaned and looked at Grian. He asked, "Do you believe that it's . . ." Grian shrugged at Sam's question and bit into his waffle. Syrup dirtied his face. Sam laughed and walked over to Grian. "Let me get that for you." He licked Grian's lips and smirked at Grian's flushed face when he moved away. "Thank you," Grian said, flustered. Sam nodded and placed himself on Grian's lap. "Do you want to play for a bit? I feel very pained, and I want you to make me feel better~," Sam said with puppy eyes full of lust. Grian rolled his eyes and placed his lips on Sam's. "Maybe later. I gotta run to the store." Sam groaned and moved away from Grian. "You're no fun." Sam crossed his arms and pouted as he turned his back to Grian. Grian just scoffed and wrapped his arms around Sam from behind and placed his head at the crook of Sam's neck. "When I get back, we can play for as long as you can take. Deal?" Sam pondered for a while, then pecked Grian on the cheek. "Deal. But I want you to dominate the game~." Grian smirked and replied, "Oh, I hope you're ready, bunny boy~."

Grian walked in the middle of the street. He knew cars never passed so he decided to do so. He began bumming, but blue and red lights suddenly caught Grian's attention from the corner of his eye. He decided to see what had happened. He walked over to the ambulances. A crowd surrounded the small bridge and two people. An officer (one of the lucky ones) was talking to the sobbing woman. A cart carried a young girl, and Grian could make out a bag around her neck and below. She was dead. The girl looked to be about 7 years old. She had long brown hair, but Grian couldn't tell what the color of her eyes were.
After a while of scanning around the incident, Grian turned away from the crowd and walked to the store. But as he did, he caught a glimpse of a hooded man holding a gun as he ran behind a building. The man turned to Grian and aimed the gun. Grian couldn't tell who the man was, but he ran before he could make out the blue and red checkered headphones. Grian heard the gun fire and bullets fly behind him. He ran until he couldn't anymore or at least until he lost the hooded man. He stopped and gasped for air, trying to process what had just happened. He didn't know what to do, other than walk to the store to buy some milk to forget that ever happened. The sun slowly arose from the clouds and the breeze became warm. The sun shined on Grian.
It looked as the day would be sunny after all.

**I hope you enjoyed!**

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